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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members

Community Manager
Community Manager

6/21/19 Celebrations

We challenge you to respond! Reply by Email or login and comment with your Days of Freedom. Let's show the world that we've overcome or will overcome and not let nicotine win.


It appears that you've reached the milestones listed below based on the quit date that is appearing on the site. Please login and say hello!


Congrats on your progress if the date is correct. If it isn't, read below for directions on how to get your quit date updated! This is a judgment-free zone. It's important to quit and we're here for you!

JimTaddeo jim_taddeo‌ 11 years!

Theresa11‌ 3900 days!

lkcooper88‌ 10.5 years!

molzep‌ 3500 days!

mi_shell 9 years!

marciewhosoever‌ 3000 days!

stonecipher‌ and shaheen‌ 2600 days!

amy-p.‌ 2500 days!

Sparky1-2 1900 days!

eddaland and abhi1q 1700 days!

NewMe 1400 days!

Taffaloolie 1300 days!

EleanorRigby 3 years!

mhbaker‌ 1000 days! Welcome to the Quad Squad‌!

thenicolelineah, kathyonthelake and agthornton007 900 days!

roller831 2 years!

12Finally34 700 days!

l8braker and Kmdarling 500 days!

kmmeth DesiLebron86 400 days!

Vlutaski, tlfreno lsparkles65 and CONativeSon 1 year!

Dorn 300 days!

vroesner, sweetplt, Sharilawson71, matmanchu5 and Cavebaby1966 200 days!

Sgladney60, Repoman86 kittydragon Kavin and Dayna52 6 months

Britt01 150 days!

Wwgstl, tifannyg1234, Rschiesel, Quitter2019L, mgunville, mcash1962 Lori. javery31372 CTerra Corrie86 BethyGirl 100 days! Welcome to the Triple Digit Quitters Club!

tigerm74, partymarty, crackers chris7808 anaussiemom 50 days! This is the first of many celebrations for you. Please come back every time we celebrate you and confirm your quit date.

If you have a celebration, whatever the period of time, feel free to share and celebrate in the comments! Not sure of your Days Of Freedom? Use the EX Quit Calculator← or check out My Quit Plan to see your DOF.


If you're just joining us, the above members are just a small sample of people who have quit with the help of the site you're on and the amazing support. Let that be motivation that you can do it too.


ssomoza‌, Shadowluv420‌, mel99Kmkingjwsiecz‌, allie3434 and Gangstergurl today is your quit day! Congrats, if anyone has quit today and for starting your journey with us as well. Be sure to journal your experiences today with a personal blog(← Click to get started) so you can look back on it and reflect where you started. Tag the post "TheDayIQuit". This way others can see what they can possibly expect as they start their quit journey. Before you know it, you'll be celebrating with people like those mentioned above. To see more Quit Journeys  for days 1 thru 100 click the link.


EX Community Manager


If I've gotten your quit date wrong, be sure to update it and then go through the steps to sync it to the community.


Please check your Community Profile to see if you've indicated how many cigarettes on average you smoked per day. Then go to the My Quit Stats tab in your profile to see how many cigarettes you have avoided or put the mouse over your username and then click the little "ex" button in the lower left of the hovercard pop-up.

EX Community Admin Team
Etiquetas (1)
16 Respuestas

pastedImage_1.gifTo a Great group...Enjoy ... we are choosing Life and Freedom...Congrats to all that are celebrating 200 days free along with me...a special shout out to CONativeSon on 1 year of Freedom, roller831 on 2 years of Freedom...Happy Friday ~ Colleen 200 DOF 


100 days tobacco free and 1 month nicotine free. I still take it day by day . I need to diet as I think I gained 5 lbs, lol. Thanks for all the support.


Thank you Colleen! Congrats to anyone who is tobacco and nicotine free today!!!


Yahoooooooooo for EVERYONE and WAY TO GO! GOOD JOB TO ALL OF YOU ❤


Lots of big numbers on the list today. Congratulations to one and all who are celebrating a milestone, and to every person who is celebrating anywhere from 1 to 1 million days of freedom (gee, how many years is 1 million days anyhow?). It's definitely great to be a quitter, and life IS grand without a cigarette in hand!


Congratulations to all. Smileys Mini graphics


Congrats to all celebrating milestones.  Special shout out to roller831 with 2 years, 

CONativeSon  with 1 year.  That's fabulous--welcome to the 6% club!

sweetplt with 200 days

anaussiemom with 50 days.  YAY!


I have a little over 3 years of freedom from cigarettes. I smoked for over 50 years. I know our DOF are on here somewhere but I can’t find where. I want to thank everyone for being here. It’s been quite a journey. 


Congratulations to each and every one of you!  There really are some impressive numbers here,


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