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Cold turkey

How are you trying to quit?

14 Replies

I guess you can say I quit cold turkey


Not applicable

Hi Mashia38 . 

I quit cold turkey . 

I tried with NRTs too , like gum , inhalers and the patch but my heart was not in it and I often gave up on my third day  . I'd find a way out and blame the NRT for not working , or others , or situations . 

I wanted the miracle quit you know , the one with absolutely no cravings . Cravings are really a healing part of the process to quit . 

So are you wondering if you should go cold turkey or use NRTs ? 

Congratulations to you for taking steps to find your way . 

As for my quit I don't regret at all doing my quit cold turkey but every one is different and that's ok . Its not one size fits all . It's good to see you doing some research and getting ideas . That's really great , or if you've already chosen CT no matter what we are here for you.  

One thing I learned. If we put our whole self into it , lean on our support systems , cold turkey or NRT will work if we do the work . 

All the best and welcome to Ex 



I quit cold turkey. There were a lot of reasons....I'm afraid of taking any medicine so the wellbutrin route was out.....also didn't like the idea of the patch...gum and lozenges...yuck. But mainly it was because ALL of that costs money. I didn't want to spend more money quitting smoking as I was sick at the thought of the money I was wasting while smoking. Don't let anything you read scare you...cold turkey is not really that is hyped to be so awful you can't do it...but that is not true.  Quitting can be sense in sugar coating it. But it is certainly not impossible.....look how many people do it. You have to be prepared for rough days but you also have to believe ( and I PROMISE's true!!) that quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you will ever make. It is fantastic to be free from that horrible addiction. 

Every quit is different. Do your research and decide what you want to do. But NRT can quit for you. It may help but in the end....the quit is yours to do.

Welcome to EX....we are all here for each other.


I quit Cold Turkey as well...I have nothing against NRT's but my quit was rather sudden and I HAD to quit because I could not breathe.  It was better for me to get the nicotine out of my body as soon as I could by drinking lots of fluids and not smoking or putting any other nicotine in my body.  There is a blog from days gone by that I think you might like I am going to copy the link for you here:


Best to you,



Cold turkey quitter here, also 3/1/06.  But as Ellen said above me, it really was the Smart Turkey way I did it.  But we're all different.  Some of us jump into the cold water all at once and get ourselves wet, others inch their way in slowly bit by bit.  You know yourself better than any of us. You know what's best for you.  Trust your instincts.  Our instincts rarely let us down.


Cold turkey for me also... just rip that bandaid right off. Went thru all kinds of crazies, but it was well worth it. Smoking is not even in my thoughts. 



Cold turkey and free seven plus years.  Once nicotine was out of my body I was determined not to let the killer back in any shape or form. Breaking up is hard to do but once you make of your mind you can do this. 


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s Mashia38 

So glad you found our site.  I did a combination of cutting down and then I quit cold turkey.  That being said, even though we are all addicts it is important to plan a quit that works for you.  One that gets you and keeps you quit, without adopting another addiction.  To help you decide read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX where you will set your quit date and plan what and when you will do it...then read all you can about addiction/quitting smoking, etc., here and on the net.  Lastly, keep close to us, the support group, we are here to help you.  This journey isn’t easy, but it is doable.  

Happy Friday...~ Colleen 508 DOF 


Welcome the Ex.  Just so you don't think everyone on the Ex quit cold turkey, they didn't.  Quitters have used the various NRT therapies and medications (Welbutrin and Chantix).  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers, cut down for a week and found the Ex a week before my quit date. I just celebrated two years in March.  Do the research,educate yourself, and decide what you want your journey to be like.  