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Give and get support around quitting


small things Make BIG CHANGES

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@Every EX.  As we all know, quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things we have or will ever do.  In my opinion (at least for me), most of it is  MENTAL!  After eating,  I had to have a cigarette.  It was like the nightcap toast to end my night.  I'm a Leo, I have to get my point across, I felt like the cigarettes owned me.   So I trained my brain not to want a smoke after eating.   I would wait like an hour or so to have a puff.  I told my brain that we don't need it after a good meal!  It worked, it really works.   Today I am  21 days nicotine and tobacco free.  You can do it.  YOU CAN DO IT!  YOU WILL DO IT!  I am so proud of you all for wanting to quit and or have quit and stayed quit!  I am proud of those are thinking about quitting and using resources such as this site/app.  You will know when you are really ready.  Just never give up!

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A super CONGRATULATIONS @Dbls77 on your precious quit journey YAY for 21 precious Smokefree days and counting WTG YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come, you're doing great stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp....

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7 Respuestas

A super CONGRATULATIONS @Dbls77 on your precious quit journey YAY for 21 precious Smokefree days and counting WTG YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come, you're doing great stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp....


@Dbls77 Congrats on 21 days.  Keep moving forward one day at a time.



Barbscloud, You have been supportive from the first time I joined and posted.  I thank you for helping to keep me strong and wanting to stay quit.  You are an incredible influence,  something we all need, and always extremely proud and excited for everyone.   Thank you for all of your support and kind and caring words.   Thank you for all you do!  You mean a lot!


Thank you so much MarilynH.  Your kind words and support means a lot to me.   I am very proud of you as well.   Keep up the great work!  It is a relief to know that there are people out there who really care.   You are greatly appreciated!


@Dbls77 Big Congrats to you! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Keep it going. It's going to get easier. We are proud of you.🐕


Thank you so much for the support.   I really appreciate it, you.  I am doing my best.   I am proud of you and all of us as well!  Thank you again!

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