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Give and get support around quitting


slipped again

Thursday should have been my 3 month mark, but once again I slipped on the weekend which seems to be my biggest hurdle. I really don't have an issue all week at work and when I get home but on the weekend I just grab one of my husbands cigarettes and have to have a few puffs. ( he doesn't know-I sneak it) My mind says, oh its just one, you went from 70 to 80 smokes a week to just one or two, how can that hurt. And I know that is wrong, every time I light up, I reset those little receptors in my brain to want just one more, so today I pledge once again to not smoke today and to look forward to not smoking tomorrow. I got this!!

41 Respuestas

You do indeed have this, if you want it.  You have to understand that once you quit, you can never smoke again.  No 'slips', no 'just one or two, not one puff ever.  Because when you quit, you take smoking off the table.  And I don't say this to be mean.  I say this because every time you take another puff, your poor brain once again gets rewired...your poor body has to once again work overtime to repair the damage, and your poor confidence in your quit gets knocked down.  You deserve better than that.  So very much better!!  So please do the work, get your plan together, and start off on the best journey of your life with confidence, wisdom, and insight      You really can do this!!


Thank you, that is my plan and my goal. At this point in my life I don't think there is anything I want more than to be an ex-smoker, and I know it is up to me become one. I appreciate the comments and the encouragement.


Perhaps you need to rework program for triggers...honestly, I get it ... that in the  scheme of what you smoked in the past to one cigarette doesn’t seem bad, however is that one smoke the one that will kill.  Reaffirm your quit and tell hubs to lock up the smokes.  Gotcha in my thoughts Colleen aka sweetp


I def need to keep busy on the weekends and I have been doing the crazy cleaning stuff, I've purged my closets, cupboards, filling cabinets, at this rate I won't have anything left, lol but I plan going to the library this weekend and getting some reading material. Today is a New Day and that is why I put it out there, could've just pretended that I didn't do it, but I need to own it and move forward.


I agree strongly with YoungAtHeart‌ that you need to ask your husband to put his cigarettes and associated things don't HAVE to tell him that you have been sneaking puffs but perhaps it would be a wake up call to him.  You are just feeding the addiction and keeping it going, it is so not worth it.  Does your husband smoke in the house because, you really should ask him not to as a show of support for your quit.  This is an addiction and it is incredibly powerful, the more we feed it, the stronger it grows.




no he doesn't smoke in the truck or the house and he does put everything away, I just need to not go in the garage looking for them. its almost like I can't wait for him to leave so I can run out there and find them so its all on me and I have resolved today again not to smoke another puff. I want this so badly so I will continue to reach out to the people in the group and I will beat it!


I can just SEE you sneaking out there and rummaging around looking for cigarettes...kinda reminds me of myself back in the day.  It is such a miserable addiction but your resolution to quit is going to get you through this.




It is very hard when you have a smoker in the house and always know there is tobacco. I agree with the elders.  You should talk to your hubby and ask if he would LOCK them up or keep them with him constantly.  Just temporarily.  Maybe the first 30 days or so so you can get a stronger handle on your addiction.


I know you really do want to quit that’s why you are here with us and telling us what happened. Oh dear person I’m sure I’m not just speaking for myself when I say I “tried” and failed many times. Was I really committed? Don’t think so I gave up many quits over stress deaths in our family etc. it’s called life. We all have one. But 5his time I wanted this quit more than anything. Tears are coming down as I type this. It was hard sometimes in the beginning unbearable. Guess what life kept happening. Read my blogs. Had lots of problems last year. But I wouldn’t smoke. You can do this too when you really want it. It’s not easy so YOU have to want this. You see I learned that and I passing it on to you. I’m sure my fellow ex friends will agree- you have to want to quit. You can’t quit because of family friends your doctor or even society You have to want to quit. Come and join us. I’m sick again because I have emphysema and COPD. Don’t get like me. Quit now for you. I will gladly follow you and help you anyway that I can. We are here for you


sorry I’m so emotional. I hate that about prednisone!!  In fact I just plain hate prednisone!