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slipped again

Thursday should have been my 3 month mark, but once again I slipped on the weekend which seems to be my biggest hurdle. I really don't have an issue all week at work and when I get home but on the weekend I just grab one of my husbands cigarettes and have to have a few puffs. ( he doesn't know-I sneak it) My mind says, oh its just one, you went from 70 to 80 smokes a week to just one or two, how can that hurt. And I know that is wrong, every time I light up, I reset those little receptors in my brain to want just one more, so today I pledge once again to not smoke today and to look forward to not smoking tomorrow. I got this!!

41 Respuestas

Please think about what emotion/circumstance caused you to pick one up after not doing so for THREE MONTHS and make a plan what you will do differently this time.

I would definitely ask hubby to keep his smokes and other smoking stuff out of your sight.  Out of sight - hopefully out of mind.

Congratulations on starting right back in.  Good for you!



He is good about not smoking in front of me and he only smokes in the garage but I know they are out there so it is up to me to stop myself from going out there and searching for where he hides his smokes. I know he would be so disappointed if he knew . I bought myself a paint by number that I am going to open this coming weekend to keep my mind and hands busy. I really think if I can get thru one whole weekend I will be on my way to being completely smoke free.


I slipped today as well. It's weird, I had a plan all weekend that on Monday morning I would stop and buy a pack of smokes and smoke one (ended up smoking two) and throw them away. I did throw them away, but why did I even have that plan?? 


Good question.  Have you found your answer?

0 Kudos

gramX2‌ ... I'm a little confused.  At first I thought you had gone almost three months no puffs, but your second note makes it sound like you have smoked on weekends throughout the three months?  (I don't use the word "slip", smoking... be it one puff, one cigarette, one pack... is still smoking and not a small thing when you're quitting.  You either smoke, or you don't smoke .. IMO).  It doesn't really matter, I'm just trying to get a handle on your situation  .

And you're right... you got this, you are in control over whether you go hunt for hubs's smokes, or go to the store like @jenking.  You are also in control of NOT going on that hunt, or going to that store.

jenking‌ ... I've read that most relapses are in fact somehow planned.  You did just that.  But even if it's only moments or minutes, like gramx2, there is a plan to get and smoke those cigarettes.  Learn from this and find a different solution when your mind starts saying "go to the store and buy cigarettes".  

Best to both of you!!  TODAY is the start of your incredible journeys!!


sorry for the confusion, I haven't smoked every weekend for the 3 months but I have a few times and that is why I say that is my biggest hurdle. I am counting from day one every time I have smoked so you are right,  I can't say I haven't smoked in three months but I can say I haven't smoked today and with perseverance  and continuing to be on this site I will be able to be completely smoke free.


gramX2 wrote:

I haven't smoked today and with perseverance  and continuing to be on this site I will be able to be completely smoke free.

That is the most beautiful thing I have read today!!  Thank you


You guys gotta get off the ice! To do that you gotta find so things to do instead of smoking....right? 

At the very onset of the idea to smoke...thats when you go to your 'CRAVE LIST'. Whats on yours ? I found something to clean. I am very glad to see that your BOTH digging right back in. Theres no ice on the floor in your house, just excuses and the sooner you clean that all out, the better your quits will hold. You guys are GREAT...YOU ARE HERE....THIS MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU!

YAY....We are here for you, so dig in and go clean something


OK gramX2. Seems you looked at yourself, came to the decision to change and are making a fresh start. Keep working your quit til it becomes what you really want it to be.