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need some help , struggling to stay in my quit

I am really having a hard time today with all the things going on . I was able to dely this moring and did a decent job of it . But it is getting harder now this afternoon. I am 4 days so far and the thoughts are creepy in about smoking like " just don't worry about quitting , who are you trying to impress " . I know the effects about smoking and it seems I get the same advice over and over from the people on here. I need some kind of new prospective.... I know it is me that make the success of my quit , but the modivation is going bleek . I know health is better , but i need more in some way.. Any advice ?
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13 Respuestas

Hey Greg,

You might get some help from some messages in my Words of Wisdom group. I might suggest QuitTude or Crave Kits.

In our Daily Pledge Group there is a video that might help. You still glamorize smoking..... You really start needing to picture smoking differently. Like picture smoking with thinking about hospitals, chemo, radiation, breathing your air through tubes, not being able to walk up stairs, nurses trying to pull blood samples and doctors and more doctors telling you they are doing everything they can for you.

CIGARETTES SUCK.... they are sucking your life away .....SNAP out of it....

The nicotine is out of your body now...... its all about head games and how bad you want it .... how bad you want to start loving yourself..

well u asked for it ... i am not like many people at all on here..... hope it helps

4 years plus smoke free and luving every minute of it ...... i just stopped making excuses to poison myself ever again.... great thing is ..... you can do the same thing..... some of the hardest days are behind you ...... man up ... and be proud of your accomplishments so far

here is a list of groups you might find me ...

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
For a Free Quit Keeper -

YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
peace !
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DO NOT CAVE. YOU HEAR ME? DO NOT GIVE UP the past three days. The motivation is going bleek? Screw that. Too bad. Don't be a wimp. You wanted this, remember? All you have to do is keep saying NO to the Whisperer. Doesn't matter about anything else at this point. Just say NO. I used to clutch my chest I wanted a cigarette so bad and I would yell at the Demon, "No! You will not get the better of me. No!"

Everything in you is saying I WANT, just like a little baby reaching for a piece of candy. Denying the baby won't kill you. Sometimes we just have to let the kid cry. And then it passes. Ya know?

Hang tight. And try to get your mind out of the cigarette gutter. That is - find something...ANYTHING...else to focus on. Do something you've never done today. Experiment. Dare to use your imagination in kinky ways. Play. Take all this pent up craving energy and put it to use. Become a free hug giver .... come up with your own ideas.

This is not the end of the world. It's only Day 4! Keep your sense of hewmer!
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Yeah I want to smoke , but the smoking makes me angry too ! It is like a double edge sword . Thanks for responding to my post !
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All I know is, I still felt pretty shitty on my 4th day. My 5th day was much better. I'm on my 8th day now, and I feel really good. This won't be your obsession forever. I know it was mine for years and years, and I was finally sick of the attention and time and money it requires to be a smoker. I think of my quit as a big F--- You to smoking! Somehow that makes me feel better, haha!
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Hi Greg,
4 days!!!! I am so proud of you. I know exactly where you are right now. What helped me was finding something to do to take my mind off of wanting a cigarette. Anything you can do to occupy yourself. I cleaned things I never thought I would clean. Walls, windows, floors you name it , It got cleaned. I would go for walks, or a bike ride. Is there some volunteer work you can do in your spare time or some nieghborhood gym? When all else failed, I would grit my teeth and wait it out. That's probably not what you wanted to hear but , that's how I got through. I'm 16 days into my quit. It does get easier. You are still going to have cravings. But I believe that you can do this. I have faith in you. I just KNOW that we are going to beat this. You hang on and never give up. Your not alone.
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Cliff sugar, as always you are soooo right. Listen to him Greg. Just tell yourself this..."I WILL NOT SMOKE!!!!" You have the power to make this happen. Believe it and you WILL achieve it. I believe in you and so does everyone else here. You CAN do this.
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Do you want to continue to put all of this into your body? Photobucket

Do you want to increase your risk of cancer? Photobucket

Which would you rather your lungs looked like? Photobucket

Do you need more motivation than that? How about a friendly butt kicking? Photobucket

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Well, if health isn't enough of a motivator........How about focusing on the money you are saving? Or...the time you are saving by not smoking. What would you do with more money and more time?
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hey greg, truthfully I really know how hard it is. This is my first time ever quitting myself. The first week, was HELL. I cried to fight urges, I was more depressed than usual, I was suffering from fatigue, I had no energy. I felt sad and lonely. But the patch helped me so much, and continues to do so. Tomorrow I am going to see my DR for presricption pills to stop smoking and finally to admit about the chest pains I have experienced for quite sometime now and still have. I am determined to beat this, and what makes me even more upset is the control it has over me. I have tried to smoke, and my conscious will not let me. I feel like a kid who doesn't know how to smoke, and I cannot give in to the best part of all. INHALING. I do not want to make it far and go back. The guilt is too strong. Besides, my chest feels so much better. Before my chest felt as if it was caving in. Hang in there. Drink lots of water. You have US, and you are not alone.
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