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When does it get easier?

It's been 1 week with no smoking. For the most part, it was ok. Tonight though I came home and wanted to smoke. Thank goodness I didn't have any cigs around the house, or I would have. I hope that it gets easier. I feel like something is missing though....yea, I know...I'm missing all the smoke going into my system. When does it get easier?
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12 Replies

You're right, the first week *is* the worst. I quit six months ago, relapsed a week ago, and I'm really dreading that first week again.
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Just hang in. When you feel the urge, say to yourself: "I'm not buying you any - you can't have any." Say it out loud, don't be ashame, it works and you will hear yourself when you talk to you.
Also, tell yourself that you're too cheap to pay $3-4 for a pack.
I quit when they raise the price to $1 - I just refused to pay that.
Keep the faith - you can do it.
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thank you!!
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Thats the questiong we all ask ourselves. Its been 70 days for me and believe it or not i still think about a cigarette.But the good news is thats is more like a rememberence of smoking rather than an id kill for a smoke right now. Each day it gets a little easier but its a battle.I think the first 2 weeks are the hardest because ur braining is working overtime asking for a smoke. Just say NO and the urges will pass. If after 30years of smoking i could do it im sure u can too. Good Luck.
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I't been 45 days for me, and I too, have asked when will it get easier to feel confortable in your skin again, that uneasy feeling that seem to always be around, but I will outlast this feeling because I will not take another smoke. I wish I had a better answer, as always hold on to your quit. I also think that the new changes I got back in my life are better than when I was smoking. being able to run with out shortness of breathe, my clothes and house smell better, got more energy, and my health is better. so again hold on it worth outlasting this feeling.
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I am almost a month quit and I still think about smoking. I still have some strong craves every once in a while. Sometimes "out of the blue". It is not much fun but it is easier to remind yourself why you are doing this and easier to deal with the craves and thoughts of smoking after the third week. It really does get less and less (nicodemn talking to you) and you will find that there are times you forget you ever were a smoker!
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I've had to go through a mourning period with smoking. Litterally like getting over a bad relationship that I wish didn't have to end. I replaced my smoking habit with regular sugar-free chewing gum. Everytime I wanted to light up, I chewed gum. Now at all the times I used to smoke, I reach for the gum. Yesterday I went to go restock up gum and they were out of my 'regular brand'. I started to freak like I did when I had no cigarettes! It's kinda' funny, but I'd rather be addicted to gum!!!

Mostly after the first 2 weeks or so, the instinct pick light up passed. Then the mourning started, but that passed for me pretty quickly. I think just facing the situations I would ordinarilly smoke in and NOT smoke helped me get used to not smoking pretty quickly.

Hope this helps!
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I wondered the exact same thing for a long time before I figured it out.

Honestly, it gets easier in time. How long varies from one person to the next. For me personally, the day that it became significantly easier was the day that I finally admitted to myself that I was an addict of nicotene and that I could never have a puff, drag, just one, ever.

From that day to today, it has been much easier.

Good luck.

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Does it ever get easier...I sometimes find myself asking that very question....35 days smoke free.
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