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I would like to know the thoughts of people here on electronic cigarettes. I bought one 18 days ago and have been cig free since. Back ground was over a pack a day for over 40 years. Never was able to quit for more than a few hours. Yesterday I lost my e-cig and started going crazy and had to go buy a new one, rather than go back to real cigs. My thought is to order lower nicotine level of "juice" each order and be nicotine free in a few months. Then be able to put them down. Has any one else tried these with any success?
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14 Respuestas

As of today, over 7,000 people have signed the petition asking the FDA to keep electronic cigarettes available. Many of them report that using e-cigs allowed them to quit smoking tobacco altogether. You can read their comments at:
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Where and how do you find and electronic cigarette and how much does it cost. How does it work. I assume it must look like a cigarette and you puff on it.
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Hi Karen: The product looks remarkably like a cigarette. It consists of three parts: A battery, an atomizer, and a cartridge. The cartridge is pre-filled with a solution that consists of propylene glycol, water, nicotine (or not) and a flavor to replicate the taste of traditional smoking. Most suppliers offer cartridges containing levels of nicotine such as none, light, medium, and high.

How it works is that when you puff on the mouthpiece end (the cartridge), the battery kicks on and the atomizer creates a vapor from the heated liquid stored in the cartridge combined with the air you drew in. The vapor looks like smoke, but it doesn't last as long. It lasts about the amount of time as the breath you exhale when you are outside on a cold day.

NOTE: Propylene glycol functions to provide the vapor mist that looks like smoke and to suspend flavor. Propylene glycol is on the FDA's Generally Recognized as Safe [GRAS] list of substances for use as a direct food additive. Propylene glycol is also used to create artificial smoke or fog used in fire-fighting training and in theatrical productions. According to the World Health Organization, the acceptable dietary intake of propylene glycol is 25 mg of propylene glycol for every kilogram (kg) of body weight.

Most batteries have a light on the end that lights up when you puff on the cigarette. This lets you know that the battery is working. The one I have blinks 20 times when the battery is low so you can change over to your spare and recharge the one that is low.

The starter kits tend to include two batteries, a charger, atomizer, and a starter pack of 5 cartridges. Costs range from $80 to $150 for the starter kit. The cartridges cost about $2 each. Mine is supposed to be the equivalent of 1/2 a pack of cigarettes, but is lasting me twice as long as a half pack of tobacco cigarettes did.

There were some stores and shopping mall kiosks selling them, but curently your best bet would be the internet.

The FDA began seizing shipments of products coming in from China in late April. The FDA's position is that this is a "nicotine delivery device" that has not been approved by the FDA. [*ahem* So were the tobacco cigarettes that I used to smoke!] The company that I bought my product from (NJOY) is currently out of stock, due to the seizure. Another company has filed a lawsuit against the FDA and if it is successful, it should result in the release of all such products.

There quite a number of suppliers, and there is bound to be one that has product. Try a Google search for "electronic cigarette".
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About Me:
1.5 to 2 packs a day for over 40 years. Never could go more than a couple of hours quiting. 18 days ago I bought an e-cig and have not had a real cig since. I am joining your group to make sure I stay away from the cigs and for help to eventualy get off the e-cig.

May 17, 2009, K Tague said… Hopefully my last update! I consider myself an ex now. I have not used the e-cig for over 25 days now and been smoke free for 115 days. The 40 pounds I put on are now starting to come off (down 2 pounds last week). I stoped carrying the electronic cigarette several weeks ago. Good luck to all other quiters which ever method you use.

At 5:08am on April 24, 2009, K Tague said… Next update: Comming up on 100 days next week. Still carry the e-cig around in my pocket (security blanket), but have not used it in over a week now. I have replaced it with chewing a pack of gum a day and have put on about 30 pounds. Wife is helping out with some weight watchers planning and am starting to get a handle on that. Food is just tasting too good to stay away from. My advice to anyone that keeps slipping up is to give this device a try! It was the only thing that has worked for me.

At 6:07am on March 14, 2009, K Tague said… update: Still have not had a real cig since 1-22-09. Am now almost off the e-cig. Can go till afternoon without using it and am on the lowest nicotine content. It sure makes it easy to quit the real things. I was never able to quit for more than a few hours. I never cared about the real cigs even from the first day. If the electranic cigs sere not so much fun in public I would have already given them up. It is so much fun watching the "goody two shoes" going balistic when they see someone smoking in there enviroment. I trully beleive that this is the answer for people that can't quit any other way or keep going back.
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I love the electronic cigarette! It was the only thing that worked for me to get me to quit smoking! Thats exactly what i did...I started with the higher nicotine cartridge and brought myself down to low then zero! I havent touched a real smoke since April 14th!!
I was a cigarette smoker for 34 years and almost 2 packs a day before i tryed the ecig. Nothing worked for me. The gum and patch is all garbage in my opinion. The e cig is truely amazing in how it works. The ecig addresses ALL aspects of ones addiction to smoking and this i believe is why it works! I have had NO cravings or desire to want to smoke again. This is truely amazing to me. Awesome product ...if you want a safer way to smoke or you want to quit...its a must try!
Today i am on zero nicotine. I use the ecig very seldom these days. But i think its just awesome that when i do want to smoke, i vape instead , using a zero nicotine cartridge! Maybe this is why i have no desire to pick up again???? i dont know but i know it works because i am using the e cig less and less each week!
Wonderful new invention and one that truely saved my life!
I bought mine at works great and good company in the states.
I would tell anyone who wants to listen to try the e cig.....awesome product!
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