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Give and get support around quitting


Women Quitters in Their 50's

Hi. Not sure I am in menopause but I am 49. will be 50 in oct.  I think i might be in pre meno and i also have copd.  I quit march 27 cold turkey.  Pray for me as I am also suffering from memory loss

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126 Respuestas

Hi Ladies...It is so nice to know that I have other woman who I can relate to. Yes, I have started with the excercise and it's killing me. I walked 2 miles the day before yesterday with a friend and then walked the mall for 4 hours. Yes, I was hurting. Won't be doing that again anytime soon. I now have my grandson't with me. 2 and 4 yrs. of age. I feel great! I am trying to pace myself because, well you all know...I am feeling very patient with them, I am not getting out of breath like when I was smoking, and I am not as irritable. So like I mentioned in my blog...I think I can do this another day.

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Got in 5.5 miles walking yesterday.  Was a great day.  Been nice here all week...above freezing a little!!  Starting to melt some of the snow and make slush and slop.  That is a good thing!!  Eating is still terrible.  The 1.5 pound that went down last week, came back this week with all the candy around!!  I know...I know...self control...will power, but where do I go to buy them???  Have a nice day!

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O.k. patience level not so good today. Although I made it without "puffing", I did however want to smoke really bad. The only reason I didn't was because I knew that I wasn't in a good frame of mind. I wasn't feeling good, I  am coming down with whatever my grandson passed on to  me, I was tired because the 2 grandson's wanted to both sleep with me in a twin bed.(I slept in the guest room to give my husband a break) and I had a job interview at 2 pm and only got  about 3 hrs. of sleep total. I made it. I am o.k. at this moment and breathing....Boys are both in their beds and I am going to mine. I want this day over....

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Hey Quitter I put it  the candy and goodie where I can't see them..I allow myself one piece a day be it a 15 calories hershey kiss or nugget @ 50. I lay it out in the morning then i have all day to decide when I am going to sit down and enjoy it.. I also keep unsweetened applesauce and add cinnamon to it that makes a nice treat. Actually I used to have cereal every night at bed time witch added up to 200 calories now I have the little applesauce cup and cinnamon is supposted to boost your metabolism. It is very had to loose at this point in my life I think the exercise is helping more than anything it seems to give me energy so I am more active throughtout the day..I am trying to do the curves circut 4 times a week one with zumba started this week it is supposed to burn around 1000 calories in 30 minutes. A ergular one burns about 450 per 30 minutes. I can see a difference in my arms waiste and legs I have lost about 9 inches from my waiste in about three months of course I started walking before that I think it has helped a lot and cutting out most of my carbs also has helpped with the belly fat..its almost gon now for that dang back fat...Thats is what I hate...any suggestions on how to rid myself of that??/have a great day gals...Hugs Deb

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Doing better at the eating.  Scale finially went down 1.5 pounds, so that was enough to give me a little encouragement.  Getting in lots of walking, just did 4 miles with one friend, and doing 3 with another a little later on.  Still -15 windchill out there...I REALLY want warm weather.  So I don't have to wear 10 pounds of clothes to go outside, guess I am walking with weights when I do that!!  Just started my 3rd round of antibiotics for this stupid sinus infection that will not stay away!!!  Hoping this one does it. 

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Happy Monday! Well the 'boy's" went home on Friday. Got the house in order. Had an augument with hubby. Did not smoke over it or "at" him like I did in the past. It surprised me. I must be "willing" to go to any Length's this time. We went in our mutrual corners and I enjoyed the "peace". It was a rainy day, so I vegged all day. Watched my favoriate shows, and slept like a baby. I've dedcided, if I am going to make this "quit" real, and everlasting, then I'd better do some things different...Just For Today!

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I noticed this "quit" time that my "hot flashes" still come and go, but I am not "stressed" over them like in the past. I have been taking "supplement' that seem to be helping....I am in the "health" field, so I'd better put my money where my mouth is...In this case "supplement's".  B-complex, more calcium, and a "menopause" complex. (whicg I ran out of). all seem to help...Staying away from salt, and caffine on the extreme help me also...Walks, and stretching are great for my joints. I can't do to much, bad back, but I do what I can...

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Good Morning ladies...I will be 50 in september..does anyone mind if I do an early join ?? 

  I am on day 55 and I am sooo happy to be smokefree and a part of this Awesome community...

Lets talk about hot flashes...I have been waking up soaking wet lately.  I dont know if the Quit is making these worse and more frequent or if it is just the progression of menapause ??

I take prempro...I would like to get off this and take natural supplements.  I started my symptoms about 7 years ago..

LDL..I read your blog and you mention a menapause complex..where can I find this?  I was also laughing with you  on the smoking at my husband ... I used to do that all of the time...I would go outside and "show him" !!!  Good for you for taking care of yourself and having a relaxing day !!  

Take care..            N.O.P.E.        Stay Strong !      Re-commit each morning to a smoke free day  🙂

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Just came home from our city council meeting...spring flood prep meeting.  Predicting a bad one again this year.  2 years ago our son lost his home, and he lived across the street from us!  So with the stress of this coming, I would be smoking away.  Not now.  Over 10 months free.  The eating is getting a little better.  Still need to work on it some.  I have tried that Ameren advertised all over, not much notice of any difference.  So, anybody have anything that seems to work, for hot flashes, night sweats, and always hungry!!!! 

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Regarding nightsweats. If you have diabetes check what you're eating and your glucose levels more closely - a high level will induce nightsweats. Just worth mentioning. ((Hug to all))

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