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Women Quitters in Their 50's

Hi. Not sure I am in menopause but I am 49. will be 50 in oct.  I think i might be in pre meno and i also have copd.  I quit march 27 cold turkey.  Pray for me as I am also suffering from memory loss

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126 Respuestas

Ok, well last week was terrible and this one starting out not so good either.  Grandson just went home, had strep so couldn't be at daycare.  Hubby just went back to work today.  But he is still not smoking, so that is good.  But getting so I don't know what I can say  to him anymore.  Oh well I know I was like that for a while too.  And yesterday was 1 year since I lost my dad.  That is hitting me pretty hard.  Just feel like being lazy and eating.  Tomorrow is out 33rd anniversary, a year ago we were planning dad's funeral.  Wednesday would have been mom and dad's 54th anniversary, was his memorial service a year ago.  Thursday is my mom's birthday, was my dad's funeral a year ago.  And how is that for timing!  Makes for a hard week. 

I also have developed an allergy to cats.  I have a cat, actually my daughter's cat that has been here over 5 years when she couldn't keep him at the apartment.  I am miserable with stuffed head, scratchy throat, watery eyes.  I leave home for a while and it gets better.  Nobody really wants to adopt a 14 year old cat!  So I told her she had to figure out something or put him to sleep.  Now she is mad at me!  I told her how miserable I am, and she still thinks it is so wrong that she has to do that cause I am allergic. It's been mild the last couple years, but this winter it really has flared up.   I thought I have been very generous having him for that long when I don't even like cats to start with.  Oh well just venting a little here! 

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hi everyone, my quit date is next friday, and have been getting ready, kind of nervous though. i'm worried about gaining weight(already overweight) i've read alot of the ladies belong to a gym and go walking, does that help? any special diets? if anyone has any suggestions or tips please let me know? thanks hope everyone has a good weekend.

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So glad this week is done!  Been an emotional week, for me that means eating week!  Even my fat pants are getting tight!!!!  I am sick of being fat...and yes I know what I need to do.  I am now at 172, almost a record high for me.  Considering last year about now I was about 150.  That is where I am setting my goal.  I was down to 135, and hubby said I was too skinny.  Some friends even said that, now that I have gained, they felt they could tell me.  So...150 here I come!! 

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Hey gals! My name is Lorraine, I have 18 days today. Yes! I've gained already,I went from a size 8 to a 12,  but I am in the solution...I realized that smoking only made my "hot flashes" worse, so that helps with wanting a cig. at times...I've started smoking again in the past because of weight gain. But I don't want to "go there" now...I've started working out, Baby steps..Yoga, elliptical, 3 days a week for 20 min.. I am going on 55, don't want to hurt myself...(somedays, just gettting out of bed hurts). But I feel that if I at least "try" it will keep me from feeling sorry for myself about gaining...Does that make sense? I'll let you know if it's worth it when I run the 20k...(of course I am kidding)...

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Well, my sinuses are soooo plugged up today, I can't breathe!  Can't taste anything either...a good thing there!  So maybe it will give me a little jump start on cutting down on eating!  Been walking almost everyday, couple were just way too cold.  So did inside walking workout. 

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Hi indin girl.  Glad to see a newcomer on here.  Not much going on here.  Was really hoping to get on an active board to share thoughts and ideas about more than quitting smoking.  There is so much more to it than just stopping the actual smoking.  Just hoping to have more posts on here. 

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Good morning everyone..Just thought I would share with Nana that yes if you havebeen seditary in your smoking years exercise will help. December 16th I started a diet well kinda a diet no added suger no white bread or pastas red meat once a week no processed lunch meats no chips , pretzels or whole wheat crackers or plain pop corn I spray it with the buttery Best Life Spray 0 calories and taste good.I drink green tea 3 or more cups a day. I walk at least 4 times a week alternating one mile up hill one mile down either I try to burn at least 300 calories. I go to Curves Ihave only been going about a month but I can see a difference in my strength.I am tld we need strentgh traing at this age. You can do exercise at home just go onling and find some it will find thing that are good for your age. I try to stay at  pretty close to 1200 calories a day. I use it a free sight to track your calories it really helps to see it on paper for me any way. I to have notice that my hot flashes are diminishing I can say its the diet and exercise I am not a doctor. Some times I do get sore but I hurt everyday anyway so I just keep trudging along doing what I can.. I haven't been measured yet but I am in jeans that I haven't worn for two  years I started at 181 and now I weigh 163.4 yes .4 I do count the ounces.haha I probably have lost 5 or 6 inches in my waist that is my problem area and about 4 in my boobs. From what Ihave learned stress and carbs cause this dunlap disease..any way don't give up it will come off just commit to it like you did quitting smoking and stick to it.  Last but not least take a multi vitamin ..drink a lot of water fruit and vegitable...Oh and quitter there is stuff now I don't know if you give it orally or what to the cat that makes it non allergic..if you don't care to pend money on it check with the vet...I am a big soft for animals so I can see your daughter not wanting to get rid of it. If the cat is 17 and healthy maybe the vet would take it for a office cat. A lot of the vets around here have one....or put it to sleep I hate to say that but it would be better than putting a cat that old out sside....Have a good day gals I am gonna get dressed and head in for my sweat session....HUGS DEB 

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Hi all, sounds like everyone is doing great!  Got out yesterday for a 5 mile walk with a good freind.  Makes it go so much faster that way.  Then out for about an hour of sledding with my grandson.  Was a gorgeous day here, up to 35!!!  Felt great. 

Onelastime, found a new home for the old retired neighbor felt sorry for him and took him.  He will get lots of love and attention over there.  So, now I have been vacuuming everything in my house to get rid of cat hair and dander.  Will take a while to get it all competely out but I am already starting to breathe better. 

Scale went down 1.5 pounds last week, so it is starting to work!  Just in time for spring, when I can't hide under layers of clothes! 

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Went out sledding yesterday with 5 year old grandson.  That is quite a workout.  Was out for about 4 hours, lots of climbing and walking.  I sure feel it today in the thigh and butt muscles.  Hope it did some good.  Didn't eat to great when I got it, was starving! 

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Happy Valentine's day!  Not going to be a good eating day...can see that already!  But, gotta love him...Flowers, candy, necklace & teddy bear all waiting for me when I got up this morning! 

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