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Give and get support around quitting

43 Replies

Too many reasons to count.  I grew tired of my horrible smoker's cough, always being out of breath, smelling like an ashtray, feeling like an outcast in a society growing increasingly hostile towards smokers, spending tons of money on something I knew was killing me, etc. etc. etc.

I guess I could just simplify that and say I quit to lead a better life.  And yes, life is MUCH better as a non-smoker.


I just got tired of being the person who smoked. I hid it from people because I was embarrassed by it. I started coughing a lot and I just hated having to constantly rely on it.  


I had a setback after eye surgery (retina) smoking is BAD for your vision too.

0 Kudos

I was just sick of it and found it disgusting.  I did not enjoy smoking, and I only smoked to get my nicotine fix.  I didn't understand that in the beginning, but the education that was available thru this site helped me realize and accept that fact.  Thanks Thomas for the thought provoking question!


Thomas3.20.2010‌ My answer is almost EXACTLY Jennifer's.....I got sick of the whole ting...the smell, he cost, the needing to have enough cigarettes to go here, lighters, acceptable places to smoke.....A PAIN! But, as Jennifer sys...I didn't "actually get it" until I came her and started to talk with others and read. Thanks Thomas----I think blogs like these are great for everyone....good for us to think and remember.....good for newer people to read. As always-----you are such a BLESSING to this site.


Im not sure how any"  ONE,  person could have the answer correct.  LOL .
  Every single person gave the right answer in my IMHO.  Have a good night


I was tired of being a closet smoker and I never thought I would be a smoker. Ever!!


Me too! Hard work being in the closet. It was literally exhausting!!!!!!


I really don't know. I never thought I would ever stop smoking. At 57 I thought it was probably too late anyway. One day I just thought I would finish the two packs I had and give it a try. If I failed then I would just smoke the rest of my life. That was truly the way I thought. Those next 4 days until I ran out of cigarettes were the worst part. I was scared to death for that day to come. I just about smoked the filter off that last cigarette and any other butts I could find in the house. I went to bed, got up the next day and somehow got through that day. That is when I thought,  if I can go without smoking for 24 hours, I can go another 24. So I just went day by day through all of life's struggles and here I am, still amazed that I actually quit smoking after so many decades.


I should also add that a support forum is most likely what kept me from ever smoking again.