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Give and get support around quitting


When I start to fidget

It is now going on Day 6 and I am am starting to hear voices tell me,
"Its ok to have just one more, you went this long. Just see what it feels like. NO ONE WILL KNOW...its 2am Then just dont have another"
I am starting to think I am actually crazy with all these voices in my head telling me to do things I know is not right.
Now is the time were I should reread my decisions, my personal oath to why I am quitting. Rereading my old journals and finding how much stronger I am now would be a good idea as well.
Any ideas for wedging out the voices or want to share your hope?
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3 Respuestas

Hang in there!
It has been 4 days for me, and I know how you feel...IT SUCKS!
This morning I actually caught myself looking for old cig. butts in the back yard!
I wish I could be knocked out for the next , oh, lets say 2 weeks, then wake me up when this is all over!
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I'm day 13, and I'm having the strange urges also. They don't even qualify as triggers. Just random out of the blue urges. Chris I had the "O.K. to have just one urge last night, after going to a KC Royals baseball game".. Yeah, a few beers, a great game, big win over the Cards, and 30 thousand fans partying into the late night. But, I've got my quit on though. I'm showin good game. I smoked for thirty years, and I'm not blowin it, cause I know what the result will be.

So, rather than fight those really strange urges, embrace them for what they are. It's going to take a long time for the recepters to forget nicotine. Nicotine is so evil! When one of those really weird urges hits, I smile, take a really deep breath, and tell Nico he ain't gonna be my bud again. We've parted ways for good!

Hang Tough! It's going to get easier with time. Think how good you feel at day 6 already! Imagine how "Day 14" will feel........ You getting some exercise going? I love the endorphines from even a good walk!

My name is Keith, and I am a nicotine addict.
I have stopped nicotine for 12 days, 19 hours and 27 minutes (12 days).

I've not smoked 487 death sticks, and saved $97.41.
I've saved 1 day, 16 hours and 33 minutes of my life.
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Hi Cris, you are strong, you made it 6 days without smoking...having just 1 won't help, try to stop those voices by picturing yourself as a non smoker, never wondering when or where you will be able to have a cigarette, your hair and clothes don't smell like smoke, in fact they smell darn sweet. Your wish to be a non smoker is stronger than those voices, you can do are doing it...

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