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Give and get support around quitting


What is the best thing to do after relapse , after 6 years of not smoking?

Recently,  was a victim of a crime and going through a mourning after the lost of my husband 3yrs ago. I started back smoking, my children are very unhappy , and beg me to stop, with tears in there eyes, so let the healing began. Just need the support, yrs guys graciously gave me a few yrs ago.


36 Replies

Hey lady good job. I'm here to support you. I have 4 kids 7,9,11,12. They do the same thing. I also lost my husband in 2013. It does get easier. Some days are hard. Doing this alone is hard. I also need to quit. I have bad asthma as well. Have you picked a quit date? Mine is tomorrow. Good luck.


HI and welcome to the EX Ms118318‌... I hope today went well for you (your first day).. please stay in touch with us...pledge daily on the site to not smoke... and if you're think you are going smoke, please post here FIRST and wait for help to come your way.. we are here to support one another...




Thank you. Is there an app that I can use?

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Hi Ms118318‌... Each day we pledge on the site to not smoke-- notifictions of this will come directly to your inbox. Just click to open up the message and respond to that message with your intent to not smoke as well for that particular day. It helps plant in your brain the decision to not smoke and commits your decision to others in the program, making your pledge more binding, so to say. It really helps us stay true to our word that we will not smoke this day no matter what. Also, on your home page is an icon to click in order to enter your daily pledge  which can be used as an alternate way of submitting your pledge. 

Hope all's going well!

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Welcome to EX, you really DO need to quit, asthma is nothing to underestimate. Sounds to me like you are another super hero! I am hoping that YoungAtHeart‌ sees your comment & gives you her very valuable welcome.



Thanks for the heads up - Got it to her earlier!


Thank you. I appreciate it. I've had alot of life stressors lately. Changes, 6 months of sobriety, I've been smoking more since that. It's become the one thing I've been using. Do you know where I can get a copy of that "allen somethings" book? Is it good? Everyone keeps talking about it. 

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Alan Carr. Author of the book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." It is available online to include on Amazon. Helped me a lot! One thing that took the pressure off a bit, at least for me, is that he says not to quit smoking until you have finished the book!! So, I kept smoking while I soaked in his words and once I finished the book I was ready for my day one~


I went to our local library & took it out, it’s “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” l am sure you can get a reasonable copy from Amazon. It’s an easy read. Once you have been quit for a while, you will realize that nicotine feeds stress rather than relieving it. Congratulations on your sobriety.!
