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Give and get support around quitting


What does a withdrawal symptom feel like??

With everything I am already going through (anxiety, depression, and keeping track of my oxygen level) can someone explain withdrawal symptoms??

Thank you 

Etiquetas (2)
41 Respuestas

Mine were a combo of anxiety and feeling hyper. Not to mention Hot Flashes  


Thank you for the response!!!

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From what remember, my withdrawal symptoms were boredom, anxious, slightly irritable, mouth kept watering, tired, fidgety, sad, felt like I was missing something...

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Thank you

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I had a lot of triggers.  I was my own worst enemy at times.  Let's just say that when you quit smoking, you get to reacquaint you with yourself, your real self without allowing your addiction to control your actions. 

You still on for August 23rd to be your quit day?  What steps have you taken to help you prepare for this quit, so it will thus become your forever quit?  Sometimes talking about preparations helps reinforce your determination to work towards a good start to a better life.

Just wondering. 

Irish Rose

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I have been following most of the suggestions that I have gotten from people here which really helps to know others are or have gone through this and I am not alone. I have mostly been trying to cut way back again and I am using the nic out filter which takes most of the nicotine and chemicals out of the cigarettes that I do smoke.

Yes I am still planning on stopping on the 24th!

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On the old platform, there was detailed information that Become An Ex provided, which focused on TRIGGERS.  Help me out here Thomas3.20.2010‌ , Giulia‌ , JonesCarpeDiem‌ , pir8fan‌ , Mark .  There were little cartoons, and it listed a bunch of TRIGGERS, what they are and how to deal with them.  It was extremely informative, and it actually helped me understand that I was not dealing with just a habit, but rather an addiction. 

I cannot find it now, but I have called in the frontline troops (above) to help me find it for you, that is, if the TRIGGER information is still available.  I think it would be very beneficial for you to read in preparing for your forever quit on August 24th.

Identifying triggers is a major way to prepare yourself, so you can see them coming.  You can start learning new ways to address situations, without the cancer sticks.  That would be such a good preparation tool for you to begin working on.

Irish Rose     

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Track Your Tobacco and Identify Your Triggers | Guides & Tools | BecomeAnEX is what is available now. We didn't really remove much.  We just reorganized information to give everything a cleaner look

Triggers mentions a similar topic however I've asked around and am not familiar with the cartoons you speak of other than those below. I'm still on the hunt.

I found these old videos that used to be on the site before we did some updates.

These don't give details about how to deal with the situations. Just mention common triggers.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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