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Give and get support around quitting


What did it take for you to stop using nicotine?

I was remembering when my husband came and said we can't pay rent and keep paying for a carton of cigarettes... I said can we live in the blazer... my husband said no I like our home... so began the adventure to look at my nicotine addiction and then I was watching the idiot box aka the t.v. and say becomeanx commercial... the man trying to drink a cup of coffee for the first time without using nicotine...then I came here in 2010 of December reading blogs and didn't quit using nicotine until January 6, about anyone???

16 Respuestas

For years after many failed attempts I always said when my husband did or 30 days after he died. Husband said he would on 10/30, he didn't, but I decided to put me first and have quit. I even bought a new ring as a constant reminder of the promise I made myself, plus until it is paid off I flat out cannot afford to smoke Even after a few weeks I am already seeing the benefits both financially and health wise so I know I am on my forever quit.


Beautiful and thank you 

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For me, it was the choice between breathing and smoking.  It SHOULD have been easy but it wasn't. it was one day at a it is MUCH easier and so much more natural.


Thank you for helping me to stay quit with you in rejoicing nicotine freedom!


For me I for about a year or 2 said I need to quit. So I went and bought some nicotine patches. Well

that year or two went by.  I looked up a quit smoking group near me for support. And on the papers they handed out one of the on-line sites was become an ex. I woke up one morning and said that is it, I'm done and I put a patch on and kept going forward. Went to work and told my boss and he said any time I need to take a walk, do it. He had quit smoking about 10 years previous. So he knew what It was like to quit smoking. I joined this site and read all that I could and blogged a lot at first and yelled for help on the site when I didn't think I could get thru the crave.  Used all the patches as the instructions and kept going forward and didn't look back. Nope, I don't do that anymore, kick it to the curb. You have those few seconds that you fill it coming on to say to your self, Nope and find something else to do. Get off my back.

I now am 1597 Days of freedom and loving it. Life is good



Beautiful I am so honored to have you helping me to stay quit no matter what I. Togetherness n love 

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I used the gum briefly the week just before my quit, and totally changed my mind about using them.  I thought why keep feeding my brain nicotine when that is what has me so addicted to smoking! I am currently 73 days Free!  Good choice for me! 



Congrats Sandy and you are beautiful nicotine free keep on keeping on


I had a specialist tell me he was sending me for a breathing test because he didn't like the sound of my lungs so in June of 2014 I found out I have mild copd that was enough to scare me into quitting so I found this site did the reading set a quit date and wasn't quite ready so I reset it for the 14th of July 2014 and told myself the night before that I'd never smoke again, then I forgot about this site until my 18th day when I was really struggling but thankfully I remembered, up until that point I was a lurker but I finally commented on something and someone suggested I do a blog and tell a little something about myself and my quit and so I did and the rest is history, thanks Diane.