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Give and get support around quitting



I have been smoking since I was 15. I am now 28. The only time I have quit two times. Once when I was married and once when I was pregnant. Wednesday is my quit day. I have nicotine gum. I’m just looking for some tips or something. I’m actually kind of nervous, smoking eases my mind and anxiety. Thanks!

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25 Replies

Hi And Welcome to Ex’s...Imready2019 

Glad Wednesday is your day to quit...Make Day 1 ... Day Won...Are you prepared? I suggest you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX where you will gain knowledge and preparation.  Rid all smoking paraphernalia...Drink lots of fluids and keep busy...Also, keep close to the support site, we are all in this journey together...keep in mind the reasons we smoke are all excuses...we want to think it relaxes us...but it doesn’t...You can do this...takes work, but is so doable...Get Ready .. set ... Go....~ Colleen 204 DOF



Start reading all the blogs on this site and develop a plan for yourself. Education and planning = success!

Start here:


Welcome to the Ex.  Educate yourself about this addiction and prepare for your quit.  Reach out if you need help--especially early on.  We're here to support you on your journey.



Thank you all so much. I went to the doctor today and she prescribed me hydroxyzine. Hopefully it will help with some of the anxiety. 


Welcome and I come here everyday since I use to use MY drug NICOTINE everyday - please I am talking about ME not anyone else - It was SUGGESTED to ME to EDUCATE MYSELF about MY NICOTINE addiction - to read read read and blog BEFORE I took that first puff over ME - gentle hug❤ 


Education about this addiction is really important to a successful quit, read Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"...I read it a little over a week after I quit, took it out of the library.  Have a plan for what you are going to do INSTEAD of smoking.  I know that you have felt that smoking eases anxiety but the fact is that it contributes to it.  This is an addiction and when you are getting your "fix", you feel a little better until it wears off and you need another one.  This is a powerful addiction, remember that quitting is a journey and not an event and take things one day at a time.  You are not alone, we are all here to help you as much as possible, read blogs, blog, comment, stay close to the site.  I am certain that it saved my quit more than once, the people here have been incredibly supportive and have helped me to feel that they understand because they have been where I was...I came here every morning and every evening when I started, I have been free for over five years and I still come here as regularly as possible.  

Welcome to EX,


By the way, you are really smart to quit while you are so young, you reduce your risks immensely.


Thank you! 

0 Kudos

I'm proud of you already. The username you chose says it all! I respect your decision to use the gum, just keep in mind that you eventually need to let that go too to be truly free from nicotine addiction. I thought of it like a real monster inside me. You keep it alive and fighting when you feed it. Totally your decision but read up and learn why it works for some and not for others. PLEASE read the Allen Carr book recommended above. It really made it clear to me how my thinking had to shift to quit successfully. I think it will help you understand the anxiety piece too. Blog frequently. Tell us how you're feeling so we can support you. 100% behind you!!!


Thank you! 13 hours now!