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Give and get support around quitting


Wed. Marks 3 weeks Smoke-Free


This is the longest time I have not smoked in 26 years, and I want to continue! I recently had surgery which made me quit for the few days before and the time in the hospital. I am very lucky, my doctor tells me my lungs are "beautiful" and my heart is good. I am a healthy 42 year old and I want to start fresh.

I must admit, these 3 weeks have not been as bad as I thought. But as I continue to get better, I don't want to fall into a trap and think, "oh one puff won't hurt", because I know for me it will!

Does anyone know about a "fake cig" or is this the inhaler that I have seen mentioned? What is the inhaler? Thank you for any help!

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17 Replies

I did the same thing and it helps. Good luck Donna!!
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If it hasn't been said, another great way of keeping your hands busy is sucking on cinnamon sticks. When you inhale them, you get a nice cinammon blast at the back of your throat! Always keep the thought of having, "Beautiful lungs," in your thought process! It pays to be positive as much as we can! I use the thought, "Smoking is not an option." When I do get a craving, that thought puts an end to any thoughts about cigarettes or smoking!! Way to go on three weeks -- that's a HUGE milestone!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
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If it hasn't been said, another great way of keeping your hands busy is sucking on cinnamon sticks. When you inhale them, you get a nice cinammon blast at the back of your throat! Always keep the thought of having, "Beautiful lungs," in your thought process! It pays to be positive as much as we can! I use the thought, "Smoking is not an option." When I do get a craving, that thought puts an end to any thoughts about cigarettes or smoking!! Way to go on three weeks -- that's a HUGE milestone!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
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BFREAKY.COM I started my quit with the inhaler thingy and hated it sooooo much you are better off with the straws or cinamon sticks,the inhaler just made my throat hurt!
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According the the world health organization and the NIH-- nicotine replacement therapy gives you twice the chances of remaining smoke free.

They offer you a much lower dose of nicotine then cigs do without the 400+ chemicals. They also allow you to learn to live without lighting up and detoxing before you dump the nicotine.

I found quitting so much easier with them.

I used the patch and the gum for three months- then tapered off with very little side effects. I crave maybe once a week now for a few minutes but that is no problem. Wow- NRT was a dream come true for me- I was not on edge, I was pretty happy during my quit and felt great.

Drink lots of water and juice- take walks and detox...

Once the habit was broken- and my body was clear of the ddt, carbon monoxide, ammonia and arsenic) I found the nicotine very easy to stop using.

the problem i see with the inhalers is that smoking motions you make are the same as smoking cigarettes. try a NRT that ode not mimic smoking- you have to relearn how to behave without smoking- does that make sense?
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THANK YOU!! I agree with the positive thinking! Not only am I thankful for the doctor telling me my lungs look good, I'm thankful that I am healthy in all other ways. I am not going to do anything to ruin this chance. In fact, once I fully recover from surgery, I am going to start exercising more and start living a healthy life!

I have tried the cinammon sticks (mine are a little thick, more like a cigar, will have to look for smaller). So far, my straw has been working.

Thank you again!
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I do like the straw. At this point, I am not going to try an inhaler, from what I have been told, the nicotine is out of my system and now it is just a mental process. Thank you.
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I do understand what you are saying. I think that is why I like the straw... because I am doing the same motions as smoking. At this point, and if my days continue as they have been, I am just going to keep using the straw. I think I am past the nicotine still being in my system. Also, I know that I can never have a puff or "just one". Smoking is not an option... Smoking does not exist in my life...Smoking is what my food does when I burn it...Smoking is what my tires do when I race down the street....SMOKING IS NOT WHAT I DO!

I was never a big water drinker, but I have been drinking more. Thank you!
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