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This is day 3.  I'm tense and irritable.  I'm so stressed.  I've got so much going on right now...the major one being the battle that's taking place inside my head right now.  I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  

I hate this!  One minute I think, "you got this" and the next, "maybe you picked a bad time to quit smoking".  

I've made it, somehow, to day 3 but I'm an emotional wreck.  Who the heck am I now?  I look the same but it doesn't feel like me.  I'm losing it...... I don't like feeling like this.  UGH!

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27 Replies

You came here to quit.  Now you have.  Pay no attention to the stupid one in your head.  Sing along with me...

Video Link : 1012 


I loved your song!  Thank you.

0 Kudos

Hi Sara! You are already one step ahead of me! Great job! I am going on day two. I feel like the universe is trying to test my willpower or maybe things that normally could still happen while I smoke just popped up and I am irritable and I am not handling them as well. Last night I didn't feel like me, I felt distant from my husband as normally we sit outside and chit chat and last night we were doing random things to keep busy, separately and I felt like "this isn't me, this isn't us" we got through it. I am sure tonite will be the same. This morning I almost said, I should do this in the Fall when it is cooler and I can take the dogs for a walk after work, but in reality, I was just trying to talk myself out of quitting, so I refocused and reading others experiences helps.

I am not sure if it will work, but I am going to try it tonite. My naturopathic doctor turned me on to a supplement called Tranquility about a year ago, at the time I was going through some changes and I had anxiety while driving. They are all natural and they would calm me down. So I am curious if they would work through this process as well.


Wow, you actually made it through the three most awful days, and of course yu feel different, you are being re-born in all kinds of ways and de-toxing and your body is healing. Hang in there.  you are doing good!


You guys are the BEST!  Thank you SO much for your help and input!  This evening I snapped at my husband,  before I could say anything I'd really regret, I sent myself to my room and watched tv.  Now it's almost bedtime, I work in the morning and I can safely say, I didn't smoke today!  DAY 4, YOU'RE NEXT!  Good night, my friends, I'll see you in the morning. 


YAY!! Good for you!! I knew you could do it!


Hey good job on fighting this. You're doing really good. I was suggested to put a drop of stevia sweetner on my tongue to help with cravings and it did help me earlier lol it was a total shock to my mouth and really distracted me. Try it out it can't hurt. 


You are working on a new "normal" which is why you don't feel like you.

Give it time, you'll get there!         Emoticons Smiley with sign Emoticons


Hi! I am also on day 3.  I am not experiencing all of that yet, but I know I will be by the weekend from past quit experience.  That argument going on in your head is the addiction trying to take over your will.  Don't let it! You are trying to do what's GOOD and the EVIL wants you to fail.  Use tools.  Redirect your attention to anything that will distract you.  The more you can do that, the less the obvious these urges and trials will be.  Keep busy and keep moving.  I am right there with you as so many of us are.

Donna 3DOF