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Give and get support around quitting



This is day 3.  I'm tense and irritable.  I'm so stressed.  I've got so much going on right now...the major one being the battle that's taking place inside my head right now.  I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  

I hate this!  One minute I think, "you got this" and the next, "maybe you picked a bad time to quit smoking".  

I've made it, somehow, to day 3 but I'm an emotional wreck.  Who the heck am I now?  I look the same but it doesn't feel like me.  I'm losing it...... I don't like feeling like this.  UGH!

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27 Replies

There is never a good time to be a there is always a good time to quit, no matter what!   You can do this Sara!  That is the nicotine battle in your brain, because you are not giving into what nicotine is telling it to call for!  This truly is an addiction, one that you can beat!   Don't fight it, work THOUGH it!  Use your tools, post, blog, share your feelings, this site is one of your tools!  WE are ALL here for you!  Keep saying I don't do that anymore!  You can do this, it is completely doable!  

The way you are feeling will pass eventually, just keep breathing clean air! 


Quitting takes you wayyyy out of your comfort zone so yes, you will have moments of "ugh!"  Those are the times you get out your quit tool box and do something other than feel uncomfortable.  Breathe, drink some water, talk to a friend, ask for support here....wait, you did that!!   

Seriously, SaraCorinne‌, you are on day 3.  Give yourself a break!  Quitting isn't an immediate fix to addiction.  Remember all the reasons you wanted to do this and take good care of yourself during this time.  You are definitely worth the quit!!  And you deserve to know what it's like to live a life free of addiction   Hang in there!!! 



Hang in there. You are on the backside of this day. You are almost halfway through Hell Week!  You have got this!  It is never a bad time to quit   Cry if you need to. Scream into a pillow if you need to. 

Just keep thinking "you got this". Positive self-talk!! 

Sending positive vibes your way!


    I didn't like feeling at loose ends either. Accept the challenge to get through these yucky moments and wear your hours won with pride ( much as you can muster). Every day you say no, I'm not going back puts you one day closer to resolving the ugh of quitting. Distractions are fine...walk, candy (ur...some), tv, movies, read, retail therapy...doesn't matter...just keep saying no, I'm not going to smoke.  Set the anxiety of wanting to know how this is all going to turn out to the set, just don't smoke. The rest will fall in to place when it is suppose to.


    I put these burn holes in the driver's seat of my corolla in 2009. Brand new car. Just had to smoke in it, even though there was no ashtray. Had to smoke, just had to. Not today, though. Heading toward five years and I don't have to work hard at say no now, it comes naturally if and when the thought of smoking comes to mind. And I know who I am today. But it hurt to start. That is why it is called an addiction.

   Yes you can, one day at a time. No doubt about it. Keep the smober hours coming.


You can do this SaraCorinne.........try to recite a "Goodbye Letter" out loud to the addiction......Say whatever you have to say to it......the good, the bad, the ugly..........What I did was kept the letter going as long as I had to until that first craving went away and it worked........I've learned out just to acknowledge the addiction, talk to it then let it go. It has helped so much. Lots of hugs and positivity your way!


Learned how*

0 Kudos



Deep breaths and know that we're all here to help you in any way we can and you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror in a few hours and say yay for another Day WON, you'll have three precious Smokefree days this evening as difficult as quitting can be it's absolutely Doable even though it doesn't feel like it during the horrid craves but it is Doable, keep your mind as well as your hands occupied do whatever you have to to get through the rough patches but you must believe it and stick with your quit......



Congratulations for being on day three! That’s a really big milestone, you should be proud! Irritability comes with the territory unfortunately...for a couple of weeks anyways. Are you going cold turkey or using NRT? It’s normal to try to bargain/negotiate with yourself about smoking. “This is a bad time, or I’ll just have one to calm my nerves etc”. Don’t give in. Clean house, go for a walk, take a bubble bath, get a pedicure, whatever you have to do to keep your mind off of smoking. Chewing gum helped me a lot