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Give and get support around quitting


when you smoke... is it the feeling of the butt of a cigarette on your lips, or the hand movement, or simply inhaling.

Find out what Triggers your to smoke... and substitute it.

Hands-If you feel like its hands try fidgeting with a pencil or pen. Legos perhaps or I heard worry stones can be very handy to have, next to a stress ball.

Mouth- If you feel like its your mouth, try chewing on toothpicks or a straw, better yet try your favorite candy sucker or licorice candy. A push pop perhaps... replace the need to put a cig in your mouth with a candy treat.

Inhale- This is a hard one.... I would say sniff a rose but, I tired and it sounds like is varies from person to person..... But inhaling though a pen tube or a straw seems very satisfying. Try blowing into a balloon or breathing a paper bag over and over till you are a little light headed, it may throw off the need to inhale smoke.
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