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Give and get support around quitting


Today is my B-day and my Quit day!

This is my first time ever being on here. I decided a week ago that today on my 28th birthday that I was going to quit. I have tried before on other birthdays in the past but never succeeded! I know now that I was never really ready to quit back then. I wanted to be cool and hang out with my friends that smoked also. I guess I thought It was the way they accepted me cause I smoked to. Here I am today fully ready to lay it all down and give it up for good. This morning was rough when I got up and started my coffee. I put my patch on first thing to make sure I wasnt gonna cop out of it. Its been pretty rough already but, The goal is in the back of my mind. I will be healthier, happier, and addiction free!!!!!!!! My whole family is behind me 100%. So, here I am day 1 and grinding through it no matter what. This is my time to shine and prove that a pack of ciggeratte's is not going to control me!!!
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5 Respuestas

Thank you very much!!! Good luck to you in your endevors of qutting!!! I have tried to quit in the past and failed. There was nothing like this back then either. This is a great place to talk to people in the same position you are and help.
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Hooray for you, Rick! Great attitude.
0 Kudos

Congratulations and Welcome!!!! My quit day is tomorrow!!! You can do it!!!
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Oh Yeh! And Happy Birthday!!! What a great present to yourself and your family!!!
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Thanks man. I apperciate the support. Its kinda been a rough day but, the patch has been helpful. I would be one rude guy if it wasnt for that. I have tried many times to quit, I got tired of tellin people that I would quit and I never would. I decided to make this time different. I am enjoying the benefits of this website and having the opprtunity to talk to people on here.
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