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Today Is my Quit date.

Ok so I woke up today and decided today would be the day I quit smoking I need to do this. I am already stressed and really wanting to. I have a 9 month old son, and im a full time student witch is stressful on its own. My husband works nights so i dont get a lot of help. Is there any advice?
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4 Replies

You said you need to do this. What you need to do is want this MORE then being afraid to. Stress comes from the fear of the unknown. What is the worst thing you can thnk of that could happen if you stop smoking. You might Yell at your Husband or have a 10 minute crying jag. 15 minute pity party. If all of that happens its not so bad.You'll be alive and much healthier then if you took that cigarette. When you have an intense urge... Take a deep breath through your nose counting until your lungs are full (lets say you get to 6) Hold that breath to the count of 18 (3x your original number) Now release that breath through your mouth to the count of 12 (2x the original number) Do this 3 times It helps to clear your lungs and also to relax you. If you need a "BUDDY" Send me an e-mail.
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Remember this. Cigarette smoking does not reduce your stress. It actually adds to your stress. What do non-smokers do to relieve stress? Why not ask a non-smoking friend? You can do this. There are many of us on this site who have, are and are planning to do it and we want to help. Please do reach out. You will be amazed at the support you will receive. God Bless You!
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Stay focused and determined. And Bridget is right, smoking does not relieve the stress. That's just a temporary fix. Exchange the smoking for something else, exercise maybe. When I feel a stress moment coming on I start deep breathing, like meditation breathing. Gets me right past the moment. Hang tough!
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Good for you.
Today is day #1 for me.
So far, Pistachios and Niccorette have been working to kinda help with withdrawals. It's rough. I want to smoke so bad and I feel tired and my brain is all foggy. You're probably feelin this too....But it will pass, we just have to hang in there and keep telling ourselves "A cigarette is not going to make things better."
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