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Temptation vs Determination

Hello everyone.  This morning I found myself at a crossroads in my quit.  It was through much self talk and termination that helped me through, what I thought, was a temptation.  I was apprehensive about taking my husband to the station knowing that I would be passing my often frequented 7/11 for my daily pack.  But I know that I can't stay buried in my house even if there is more than two feet of snow outside.  I dropped my husband off and headed back home with much trepidation.  I talked to myself saying that 1)  I DO NOT want to repeat day 1  2)  I DO NOT need the cigarette     3)  my cough was starting to sound like my mother (ugh)  4) I CAN BREATH  5)  I love my family  6) I am proud of myself for quitting  7)  BREATH  😎  Look forward to your breakfast  9)  You have a lot to do today, so get absorbed in your tasks  and 10)  You are FREE.  I believe there are more things I said, but the main thing is I realized that I really did not want to smoke.  It was conditioning that made me fear driving past my cigarette stop.  I am going to get started on my projects and say N.O.P.E.  Thank you all for being here.


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Congrats on your days WON.  Keep moving forward.  You are not weak though.  Remember that the addiction is strong.  This message has been thoughtfully, yet powerfully, sent to me by the wonderful people on this site.  Stay close.  I know everyone here is helping me.



Laurarutledge  There were eight packs left in a carton when I quit...I gave them to a friend who has no intention of quitting.  The one open pack I had left, I drowned, it was incredibly therapeutic.  Made me feel SO POWERFUL!

You are doing everything right...DO stay close to the site, it really IS  life saver.



I happily threw trash on top of my open pack after I threw them in the trashcan. Like you drowning yours, it did feel powerful. I thought about throwing them in the wood burning stove, but feared the smoke from it might smell good. Didn’t want to push my luck. 

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I can’t seem to stop remember that they are there."  GET RID OF THEM.  Then the temptation will be GONE.  You're making it harder for yourself by keeping them alive in your option consciousness mind.  It's like saying to ourselves I'm gonna quit eating cookies but there's a bad just sitting there in the cupboard.  Of course that's all we're gonna think about.  


I threw away my open pack and ashtray four days before my quit day, that’s how the half carton ended up down there to begin with. I asked my husband to get rid of them, since I don’t want to go near them, but they cost so much, he wants to give them to his son. I haven’t been out there to see, so he’s probably hidden them somewhere by now, I assume. Just going out to look seems like a failure, so I haven’t tried. 45 years is a long time to be a slave to a stupid stick of tobacco! I’m glad I’m finally ridding myself of those shackles. Ridding myself - only in the fact that I’m still suffering from the side effects or whatever these symptoms of withdrawal would be called. I have no real desire to smoke. 

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"but they cost so much, he wants to give them to his son.  "Here, kid, these'll kill ya eventually, but they cost a lot so....smoke 'em up!"  As a smoker I totally get it.  As an EX smoker that thinking is beyond comprehension.

I do understand what you mean about it being a psychological failure to go down there and look.  I think you would feel more free if you knew they were gone.  Simply asking your husband would give you that answer.  If they are not, then I would suggest requesting that he tell you when they are.

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I asked him again today, on my day 3, and today he didn’t hesitate to say he’d get rid of them. I think maybe the truth was on my Day 1, he probably thought I’d be the one smoking them, and didn’t want to have to buy them twice. But now that I’ve made it thru almost 3 days, he himself is sure I’m quitting, which makes me feel great - to know he’s behind me 100% now. 


Happy to hear he is believing in you.  Keep believing in YOURSELF!



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Very Good!

I bought my cigarettes at my neighborhood store and that's all I bought there so I just didn't go back.  🙂

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