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Give and get support around quitting


Struggling to quit

I'm failing miserably in my quest to quit. I have cut down but I need to stop and stop now. I'll try to busy myself thereby taking longer to light up, yet and still I light up. I have knee replacement surgery Monday so it's very important that I end this madness now. I don't smoke a whole cigarette at one time but relight it a couple of times. I cannot stand cigarettes. Yet I succumb to the crave. I need help

49 Replies

For me it was all or  nothing.  Cutting down never worked for me.  Make a plan, set a date, get rid of everything smoke related (ashtrays, lighters, cigarettes,,etc.) and do it.  Stay close to this site and do the recommended reading - it really helps to get your head in the right place.  

The patch does itch when you first put it on - but after just a little while is subsides.

Best wishes to you!


Thank you

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019, 4:02 PM Jennifer-Quit-05-01-14 <


I had to get rid of everything that was smoking related.  I got sick and I gave away eight packs of cigarettes in a carton, I doused the remainder of an opened pack in water and tore the cigarettes apart.  I planned for things to do, INSTEAD of smoking.  I smoked for 47 years but I have been free for a little over five years...thanks to this site.  I read blogs, I read everything I could find about nicotine addiction, I came here looking for support and I was never disappointed, and I committed to my quit.  I used the mantra NOPE, Not One Puff Ever that I got from this site and I said it over and over and over again.  I drank tons of cold water, I ate frozen fruit, I came to this site every morning and every evening and oftentimes in between.  We are here to support you in any way that we can and not smoking is the best gift you can give yourself.

By the way, relighting the same cigarette is worse for you than lighting a new are getting all of the tar and nicotine that has been caught in the filter and it is even more concentrated.

Welcome to EX,  Quitting is a journey and not an event.  You need to plan for your recuperation...smoke free.



Hello---whether you know it or not, you have come to the BEST support site on the internet. Hang around and we will help you with your quit.  May I suggest you go to reading about quitting.

Welcome to EX---we are all here for each other.


You're having a knee replacement.  You will have to go through the process of recovery, right?  Physical Therapy, perhaps Occupational Therapy.  You will be constrained by the new knee.  You won't be able to drive for 6 weeks, you'll be limited as to your bathing, etc.  You accept that, right?  Quitting is no different.  You have to accept the rite of passage of that journey too.  Trust us when we say that you will recover from quitting.  (Hmmm, this just made me think of a new blog title.)  

You cannot stand cigarettes, and yet you still light up.  Welcome to the club.  This is why it's called an addiction and not a habit.

Sit back, take deep breaths, you're going to have to do this PT.  Again I say this process isn't that much different.  Physical Therapy of Psychological Therapy.  They're both use the letters PT.

You can do this.  You made the choice to have a knee replacement.  That takes courage.  You can do this too.

And in both cases, you'll probably be better off!  Hang in.  Have hope. And know that you CAN.  Because we know it.  We've done it ourselves.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=4887a2e0-604f-4c12-a...‌  And we are no different than you in the desperation to quit and the desperation of cravings.   The JOY is in not experiencing either of those desperations.  And that's called Freedom.  It's yours.  It's right there in front of you.  Embrace it.


I am so encouraged by these messages. I'm GOING to do it this time



hi welcome to ex we  are all one big quitting smoking family here.  ive been smoke free for 7 years.  and of course its hard in the beginning and im not saying this will be easy but it is so worth it. youre worth it. you don't know how strong you are until you've tried. you got this, hugs. good luck!


It's all between your ears (as a wise person here has stated.)  Cheering you on like mad!


we are all rooting for your quit dear!


Welcome to Ex.. This community is awesome.  If you truly want to quit the support is AWESOME!!!  Yes quitting is difficult!  Yes you will have cravings but if you continue to believe in yourself and receive the support, prayers and positive vibes from the community you can do it!! I cleaned out everything in my house associated with cigarettes.  I washed all of the curtains and some of the walls.  The fresh smell felt strange.  I wet the remaining cigarettes and disposed of them.  I have been smoke free 305 days.. It is challenging but I took it one day at a time... You have a community that will support you!!!!  You got this!!