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Give and get support around quitting

Sorry work has been hectic--i set a quit date!

ok i know that i havent been on the site as i should be but work became so unbelievably hectic that i barely had time to sleep!--i have decided that March 3 is going to be my quit date--it has a significant meaning to me so now than im tired of panting walking up my stairs it's time to put my words into action!
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3 Respuestas

You can do this Natasha. I know right now it is even harder with the pressures we are all feeling at work, and the lack of sleep most people are receiving. However this is also the best time to quit. You never realize how much money is wasted on this nasty habit. I did not realize until I looked at my own counter. I have saved 112 dollars, and avoided almost 500 cigarettes. This has kept me going, I never knew I had smoked that much. Just keep something here work out the steps and distance your cravings and actually smoking like it says. Stay positive, and have all your tools ready by the time you quit smoking. Have this page bookmarked for easy access, if you are going to use a smoking aid I suggest laying it around the house. On the coffee table in a jar, in your nightstand next to your bed. In you ashtray in your car. I guess what I am trying to say is put it in the areas you will be most.

Stay strong and you can do this!
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Congradulations on setting your quit date! You're taking great steps towards your quit! Let us know how it goes!
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Eight days now ~ WTG Natasha! Keep up the good work.
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