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September Quitters

Happy November to the Septemberers!!!
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602 Respuestas

It has been almost 13 days since I have had a cigarette and sometimes I have asked myself what is the point since I am alone and really don't have much to look forward too, but for now I am doing it. I don't know that I won't ever start up again, but for now I will try it without them. I am using the patch, but still find myself getting really cranky. I really liked smoking.
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Dale: it is my belief that we do it for ourselves first! Thus you have the BEST reason to quit! At thirteen days, you are doing great!!! It WILL get better if you let it! symptoms will decrease and you will begin noticing physical and emotional healing,
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gee.........After 17 days, i hear "I really liked smoking" and bells and whistles start clanging in my head. How many times i heard those words come out of my own mouth. How many more times I heard it in self-talk. In my case, I was lying to myself so that I wouldnt have to deal with the FEAR that comes from quitting. If I LIKE SMOKING, i didnt have to go down that path of withdrawl, I didnt have to physically and emotionally RELEARN LIFE/stress. I could pretend to be content in my delusion of killing myself slowly and painfully. And If I like smoking then I dont have to deal with the embarrassment of "trying" to quit AND failing. Today I AM SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT!!
  There is freedom here.
  There is JOY here.
  Praising God for one more day free from smoking.
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Dale, Don't do it! I had almost a week and I slipped Sat. The guilt is almost killing me. Only one cig and I feel like an idiot.I will not feel that way again. I had no concrete reason for smoking one, just got tired of fighting the urge when I saw everyone doing what I thought I loved and missed. The key word is THOUGHT. I let the habit get the best of me. You don't have to have anyone beat you up for it, you will do it yourself. And it's just not worth it. And believe me just that first one will make you think to yourself WHY, WHY, WHY! When logic hits you immediately after you'll think, I must not have loved it too much or I would not have quit it in the first place. Hang in there and I'll do the same.
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Now, cheryl, you just get back on the horse, and not another "lookback".

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I quit September 25. I smoked for 18 years. I am glad to call my self a non-smoker.
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Dawn, I've watched Spunkies video. I have spent almost two weeks telling myself JUST STOP IT. But I think the secret for me is more JUST START IT! I need to find a personal reason to start thinking This is Great!, you've made a change that is great for you. Not just everyone else. And sometimes that reason can be elusive. My health is good, my family are supportive no matter what I chose, I always seem to find the money to support the habit. So it's a different frame of mind I have to start. Not what I'm doing without but instead what I'm GAINING. Does that make any sense? Oh well, hang in there everyone.
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Wow it is wonderful seeing so many of us doing such a good job just remember we are in control now no longer a slave to smoking ... Stop by my page and watch my funny video it will make you laugh and help with your quit... SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cheryl yes it makes sense to me ... after all a doctor told me to take a 38 put it to my head and pull the trigger when I was only about 22 years old because of what he felt was going to happen to my lungs well I didn't stop smoking and now I spend my complete retirement check on meds and now they have changed my ins and they are paying less for my meds so I may not be able to get them period and without them I am in the HOSPITAL ... HERE is a reason do not be stupid like me quit NOW before you have lung damage that is a good reason ... I like you though oh why quit then they handed me a list of what all was wrong with me at age 61 and it hit me but you know it hit me 40 years to late the damage is done please do not let this happen to you ... I know you think oh it will not happen to me well that is what I thought PLEASE READ MY POST ON MY PAGE ABOUT YOUR BEST FRIEND THE CIG. when you are done reading tell me how good a friend that demon is them .... PLEASE STOP IT... drop by and let me know how you are doing I care so much.SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT ..... JOIN ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey everybody its Monday.... and the start of another non-smoking week. Changes are happening to my body everyday. These sudden bursts of additional oxygen that my blood is getting from not smoking are fantastic. I was getting them confused with cravings, but now realize its my body saying "yeah babe your smoke free" I even feel a hugh difference on the tread mill now. Keep the faith guys your tougher than you think... Hey, quick note out to Mark, congrats dude on day 10 and buddy, it doesn't matter where you find love as long as you find it. Dale don't listen to your mind telling youself you liked smoking, your body just requireds the nicotene and smoking was the way to satisfy your addiction ! The next time you need a fix of nicotene, get a small hose wrap it around your arm until your vein pops out and then get a syringe and run up a quick dose of nicotene ! I mean your doing the same thing with smoking its just your inhaling it instead of running it up your arm.Believe me, it gets better each day. I ain't gonna lie dude, some days are tuff but, stick with it for YOU and nobody else..Remember... Never Another Puff !

  Lets go for another 24 hrs o k?

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