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Relaxation tips?

I'm looking for some quick fixes for relaxing. You know I've finally figured out that when I smoke I do it more for the relaxation part. It relaxes me. Today on DAY 4 I'm finding that I'm becoming a little on the hyper side. A friend told me to slow down I'm was talking way to fast and to much! I just don't know what I can do that would be a quick fix. I know reading relaxes me but that is if I'm home. In my car is the problem. Also at work when I'm driving but that isn't to bad. Worse in my car. Any idea's would be appreciated greatly!

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3 Respuestas

Keep some bottled water in your car at all might get a little warm, but you can always partially freeze a bottle to keep it cold longer..suck on hard candy or mints...take deep breaths of CLEAN AIR..what kind of music relaxes you? Put in a cd or tape of that type of music...go on a mini mind vacation; think of a place that is your favorite place to relax - the beach, a little river near your house, being in the mountains...whatever it is for you and then visualize yourself there, just's kind of a mini hypnosis kind of thing - not dangerous if you are driving, just a way to occupy your mind and senses on something other than smoking...visualize yourself a month from now, a year from now or some point down the smoke free road...think of how much easier it is to breathe, to walk, to run, to sleep...ALL the benefits. Think about how much money you will save....cigs are up to $8- a pack where I live and I just heard yesterday that there are going to be 2 more tax hikes on butts....they will soon be close to $10 a pack....when I started they were 50 cents! Anyway, I hope one of those ideas helps or helps you think of something similar on your own. I have stopped and started so many times it is really pathetic. My quit date is coming up and I don't know why I keep starting when I know so much to help me quit. I'm hoping this will be IT for me. The last time I quit! Good luck to you honey and hang in there. It does get better and when those really big cravings hit, come here for help or call a friend or whatever you need to do - just don't start again.
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It helped me to realize smoking wasn't really relaxing me. It was causing the "when can I have a cigarette? do I have enough left? where is my lighter? if I have to be there at 7, I have 20 minutes to have a cigarette? etc... endless stressors". When I didn't have to have a cigarette, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to do it.

I am still learning what REALLY relaxes me; but, I know it isn't cigarettes. They made me worry about having cancer. They made me feel guilty for having a crutch... I should have been stronger, more able to deal with things. The only thing that made me smoke was choosing to do it myself. Guess what?!! I am strong enough to face life with a healthy body and NO addiction. The nicotene in our system is lying to us. It says just one. It says it will help us. It promises we'll feel better. It lies. We just have to see the addiction for what it is; and, ignore it until it leaves our bodies. Knowing it will be completely out of our systems within 3 weeks gives us a goal.

The important part is to believe the truth about cigarettes. They are unhealthy; and, they do no good thing for us. They don't make our lives easier. We can choose to smoke any time we wish. We can also choose to drop a tire iron on our bare foot. Where is the good in that? Both things leave parts of us broken. I'm tired of breaking myself.

Do you realize how strong you are? I don't think you do. You just need to go out and live your smoke free life with the peace that comes from choosing not to do something that is killing you. When you get nervous, or stressed, remind yourself that smoking won't fix anything, in fact, it is CAUSING stress and anxiety. Soon, when you are hit with panic or stress, it will be automatic to knock the feelings down with the truth.

As for in the car tips, I would say sing your heart out. When there are people around, focus on slow deep breaths for a couple of minutes. Breathing is so essential to our health. Ironic that the nicotene monster who promises to make us feel better actually robs us of our breath, is it not?

Sorry for the long-winded comment 🙂 You can do this, Robin! DAY 5 and we're still alive!!!
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As the others mentioned, breathing is important. It's both relaxing and a reminder of why you chose to quit.

When I find the urge to smoke is the strongest I sit quietly and inhale deeply, hold it, then exhale. I do this a couple of times. Not only does the deep breathing seem to take the place of sucking on a cigarette but it reminds me why I'm quitting in the first place.


Beautiful, life giving air.

As I breathe deeply I tell myself I can choose to smoke or I can choose to breathe because I'm at the point where I cannot have both.
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