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Recently quit. My chest still hurts, how long will this last?

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Hi. My name is Mike. My full story - I've smoked cigs and weed for 30 years. Periodically I would experience chest pain from smoking too much. It would hurt more every time I would smoke, or it wouldn't start hurting until after I smoked so I would stop for a while and go back to doing both and was able to smoke for quite a while before the discomfort would return. This past May it got pretty bad so I decided to quit both and the pain went away pretty fast. After a month I started up again but soon after the pain returned so I quit again on August 21st. It's been 2 and a half weeks and the chest pain is a lot less but still there. Is this normal? Will it ever completely go away? I also sometimes have a weird feeling in my chest like pressure. It doesn't hurt, just feels funny. Almost like I have placed a small barbell weight on my chest. Is this normal and will this subside eventually?

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I found this after a search here on the site: .  There are other mentions that you can find with a search from the magnifying glass (top right).

Since not everyone experiences this as a withdrawal symptom, hard to know when it will go away.  Anecdotally, it does sound like it is related to your smoking, but I would check with your doctor if it doesn't ease, especially with COVID making the rounds.

Glad you are here!  Let us know how we might help!


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone. In addition to the Chest pain post that @YoungAtHeart shared you can also visit Why Do I Feel Tightness In My Chest Now That I've Quit Smoking? 

EX Community Admin Team

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I found this after a search here on the site: .  There are other mentions that you can find with a search from the magnifying glass (top right).

Since not everyone experiences this as a withdrawal symptom, hard to know when it will go away.  Anecdotally, it does sound like it is related to your smoking, but I would check with your doctor if it doesn't ease, especially with COVID making the rounds.

Glad you are here!  Let us know how we might help!


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I agree , I think you should be talking with your dr . Explain to them exactly as you have explained here . What you describe could be related to many things other than quitting smoking so I would encourage you to do a virtial call and  let your dr advise you . They know you best . YAH gave you good advise as well and info . 

I am very glad to hear you are quitting smoking . Glad you are here . 


Hi Mike,

There is a post on the EX blog about chest tightness, but I couldn't find the link.  Therefore, I just copied it and have attached below....


Why do I feel tightness in my chest now that I’ve quit smoking?

By Margaret LaPlante, EX Coach Lead

Once you quit smoking, you may notice tightness in your chest. It can be discouraging to put in the work to quit, only to find yourself not feeling better right away. Read on for some good news!

I quit smoking, so why does my chest hurt?

After you quit smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing, your body goes through many changes. Some start immediately, as your body goes through its healing process from the damage caused by tobacco use. Your body truly is incredible. Within just 20 minutes of quitting your heart rate returns to normal!

How long does chest pain last after quitting smoking?

The topic of chest pain after quitting has come up in discussions on our EX Community.

One member Ericka5 asked: Feeling tightness in my chest after quitting, how long will it last?

“I'm using the patch and I've been smoke free for 13 days now. I just can't stand this tightness in my chest.”

Within minutes another member responded, “It will pass. That is your body telling you it is healing itself. The first 3 weeks you will periodically feel this, but it goes away. I have not felt it since the beginning of my third week. I'm doing just fine now :)”

Other members responded with their own insights:

  • I have been on the patch for about a month now and it took about three weeks before I felt good. I remember saying that I felt better before I stopped. Don't give up, it does get better.

  • Your body is busy healing itself from all the poison you put in it over time. You are so smart to quit for good. Your chest will feel much better soon.

  • You are doing great. It is completely normal to feel some tightness in your chest. Your body is gearing up to throw off the toxins that you were inhaling every day.

You might be feeling unpleasant effects in the short-term as changes happen in your body after you quit smoking. The important thing is to not give up on quitting. It is a necessary process and will be temporary. The long-term (and short-term) health benefits of quitting smoking, vaping and dipping or chewing are worth it!

What should I do if I feel worse after quitting smoking?

Check out this post on the EX Community about the physical symptoms of withdrawal.

Find tips & support with quitting.

Read the Mayo Clinic Blog answering the question Will stopping smoking cause health problems?


Can't say how long it will last OR if it is really related to quitting smoking.  PLEASE consider seeing a doctor and getting checked EKG and a chest xray would be a good start.  Congratulations on your quit, keep us posted.



Hi Mike.  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your quit.  I didn't experience this when I quit, but many others have.  There are many uncomfortable side effects when we quit smoking.  Always be vigilant and speak with your doctor if it continues.   


I felt a tightness in my chest especially early in my quit. I still occasionally feel it, but at this point (60 + days), I think it's more a reaction to a tough craving, as it tends to pass after a short time. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone. In addition to the Chest pain post that @YoungAtHeart shared you can also visit Why Do I Feel Tightness In My Chest Now That I've Quit Smoking? 

EX Community Admin Team
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