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Give and get support around quitting


Quitting for good!

Hello, I am new to this community. I have decided to stop smoking once and for all. I have “attempted” in the past many times. I have gone for a few days to a few months without smoking only to succumb to the cravings. Many times I have tried to quit for my family. I’m blessed to have a supportive husband and 4 teen/young adult children. I have smoked since I was 16. My Mother and Father were both smokers and I remember how much I hated the stench of their cigarettes growing up. Unfortunately, I lost both of my parents (one to a stroke and one to cancer) at way to young of an age. I have never smoked in front of my children. I have always tried to hide it from them. However, I know they know. I turn 50 this year, and really want to give up the habit, first and foremost for myself. You see, my children are all almost adults. I am thankful I have had the opportunity to watch them grow. I now want to see what they become and what wonderful things they will do with their lives. Also, I want to live to be able to see and be ALIVE for my grandchildren (when they come along). I turn 50 this year, and for my birthday I want to give myself the gift of a Smokefree life.

17 Replies

What a wonderful blog and how smart of you to give yourself this birthday present. I can assure you that you will never regret it. Do all of the reading that Nancy have to know your enemy to beat this addiction. You are on one of the BEST support sites ever. Stick close to here and ask for help whenever you feel you need it. We are all just quitters like you and we are here to help everyone keep stacking up those days of freedom!

Welcome to EX.......we are all here for each other.


It’s the best thing you can do for yourself.  I’m right there with you in the struggle to be free.  Please do keep this quit and stay in touch.  The EX Community is a much better and healthier way to spend your time.

We can do this!


Welcome and congratulations. I am on day four of being smoke free. I have found this site to be an amazing source of inspiration. 


You should be very proud of yourself...

4 days smoke free!! Keep up the good work!

0 Kudos

Welcome to the Ex. I agree "quitting for good" is the way to go.  What a fabulous way to celebrate a wonderful 50 years.  Read everything that's been suggested.  Education and preparation are the key.  If you need support, we're here for you. This site has made all the difference for me at being successful. So reach out, if an when you need some support.



Sophijane, welcome! I was right where you are just a few months ago: a smoker since my young teens, multiple quit attempts, hiding my smoking from my kids, (and others), looking at how long I'd been a smoker (how did that happen?!) and really wanting to be free of it.  Honestly, part of me wasn't very confident that I'd ever be able to do it.  But here I am, almost five months without so much as a puff.  This is a journey, but it is so doable!  Read, read, read the resources on here, post your daily pledge not to smoke, if only for that day, and trust the advice and insights of the wonderful people on here.  Without them I'm not sure that I'd still be quit.  It gets easier every day!  Welcome!


148 Days Of Freedom!


Hi And Welcome to EX's Sophijane

That will be the best gift you can give yourself for your 50th...You have some good advice...Now make that quit date and plan for that day like no other and stay here for support...You can do this...~ Colleen


What a brave, difficult!! Gift to give yourself!!

im turning 55 yo

have an 11 yo

ive tried,like you, with some success

but eventually succumbed 

I REALLY want this to be IT

On  day 24

i struggle

I’m depressed

im out of sorts



i come to this site

to get encouragement from those who were

at one time

in my shoes

on this endless journey

i want to know

when will I stop missing it!
get thru a day I won’t think about it?

it may take time

i have to do “my work”!!

no bones about it

but many have assured me...

it gets easier!

i just need to keep on

keepin’ on....

its a vicious addiction 

know this

you are not “weak”

it’s the physical, mental and habitual addiction

it will create a voice in your head....

”I deserve...”


”Just this one”.    (That’s most dangerous...)

come here!

get that lovin’ push and encouragement!!

its a marathon, yes,

but for all the right reasons

and nothing but GOOD comes from it!

one day at a time


its one hour....

or one moment  at a time......

that’s ok 

embrace it

even when terribly uncomfortable 

then come here!!

we’re here for you!