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Give and get support around quitting


Question and my husband both have decided to quit. I am using the patch. So far, so good. I have smoked for about 21 years and have never tried to quit before. The thing is, I still allow myself about 1 cigarette a day. Compared to the 20 a day I used to go through, I thought that was pretty good. My question is: am I cheating by having the one? I will go outside a few times a day and just take maybe two drags and put it out. Therefore, the one cigarette lasts me about 4 sessions. When the cravings are really strong, I do go and have a puff. Am I hurting my quit attempt by doing this? The thing is, when I think that I really want one and go have a puff, it doesn't taste good like I thought it would. That reminds me that I don't want to smoke anymore.
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7 Replies

They'e right. You are cheating, you're cheating yourself. You said it, you don't want to smoke anymore. Make that choice and stick to it. Don't just remind yourself, convince yourself. Let it go.
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There is several ways to look at that question, and several answers one could give you.... It is great that your only smoking one per day as apposed to 20....that's awesome!!! However, on the other side of the could turn into 2....3, etc and then where would you be.....back to smoking. The patch concerns you take it off when you smoke? It has been said that you should not smoke with the patch on. I know the first time I quit, I used the patch and things went great until I stepped down to the next level. It was then that I started to got to the point where I would take the patch off, wait a hour, smoke one, wait a bit and then put the patch back on. This went good until the day I ended up with "sit up and take notice pains"....I ended up being admitted into the Hospital. Just be careful.
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Thanks for the support! This is really hard. I am eating like crazy! I try to keep a bag of sunflower seeds handy and just eat them, but then I go and raid the kitchen. That's what I didn't want to happen. I stay home with my 2 year old son and it is stressfull just chasing him around all day. I really want to do this though. I am aiming for none a day by Thursday.
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It doesn't matter how much you smoke and how often. You're still smoking and you're keeping the cravings going. When you quit, you give up your comfort blanket. Go to the next step and quit smoking all together. It is real hard to quit and the beginning is tough, but it's only temporary. Your body cannot start healing until you stop completely.
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