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Give and get support around quitting


Preparing to quit Juuls

Hello community.

I currently use about 1-1.5 Juul pods per day, depending on the level of stress I'm dealing with.  And they're the strong ones - 5%.  I vape constantly.  If I am not busy with a hobby or project, I've always got my handy little Juul right there to keep my hands busy.  I don't even have a a physical craving and I use it. I even vape in the middle of the night when I wake up to use the bathroom.  I'm vaping right now as I type this.   

I'm essentially consuming 1.5 packs of cigarettes a day. Awesome. This is more than I ever consumed when I used regular cigarettes.  

Honestly, I think vaping is worse than cigarettes, if we're just speaking about the addictive aspect. You create so many more psychological connections with these things.  

So, needless to say, I am scared.  Maybe a little terrified.  My quit date is 10/30.  I plan on using the patch to help.  I really REALLY want to succeed this time.  I'm going through a divorce, so I won't have my enabling ex here to help derail me like he did the last two times I quit.  But, I will have the added stress of dealing with a divorce.  I found the post about the quit kit, and I am definitely going to put one together over the next couple of weeks.  I fully expect to become a master of the adult coloring book.  And so many lemons will be sacrificed for this endeavor.  I wish I could just take two weeks off work after my quit date.  Or, even better, if I could just be put into a medically induced coma for a month. 

The last time I quit, I went cold turkey.  I got so so depressed.  Sleep was AWFUL.  Two hours a night here, three there.  UGH.  But, I do remember after a few months of success, sleeping better than I'd slept in years, so that's something to hold onto.  And I do remember all the little aches and pains and knots in my body magically disappearing, so that's something to remember, as well.  I remember the FREEDOM feeling.  The feeling of not NEEDING the nicotine.  The clear headedness.  There are so many benefits.  And I really want that again.  And by god, I don't want to relapse again.  Ever.  I'm tired of being an addict. 

So, I guess I'm just here to share a little bit of what's on my mind at the moment.  I really appreciate the community.  If there are anymore Juul people out there with advice to help me get ready over these next two weeks, please chime in.  These things are straight up evil, I swear.  

I'm also really scared about feeling alone.  I really hope this community can help fill that void. 

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11 Respuestas

@RikkiJean Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision.  I never used Juul, but it's still a nicotine addiction.  I'm guessing people vape more often because you can do it anywhere.  Us smokers had delay until we found a safe location.

Sounds like you've been reading so you're off to a great start. Understanding nicotine addiction has made quitting a reality for many.   And a plan with the tools you'll use and the new associations you'll create instead of smoking,  is part of learning how to quit.   

Nothing wrong with using an aid.  Many successful quitters on site have used aids to quit.  I used Welbtrin and nictrol inhalers and was fortunate to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  Having a support group was a key ingredient.

Being anxious about quitting is normal.  We've smoked with every activity and emotion, good or bad.  Approaching one day at a time will help to alleviate the fear and your confidence will grow with each successful day.

We're here to support you on your journey, so reach out anytime.  Look forward to celebrating with you on the 30th.


0 Kudos

Thank you 🙂 I think having a support community is going to be really helpful.  Never had one before.  


I could have typed this. I'm 39 and have never been a regular smoker - maybe half a pack per week. But even then, my kids hated it, understandably, so I switched to vaping after my husband picked up at Juul for himself. That was around the same time that the world shut down due to Covid-19, and I ended up working from home for a year and a half.  Now, I constantly have my vape in my hand, puff on it constantly (even in the middle of the night), and like you, I currently use about 1-1.5 Juul pods per day (3%), depending on the level of stress I'm dealing with.  

Making matters worse, I also have ADHD, and vaping gives me the dopamine my body is naturally lacking (aka: dopamine chasing). 

On the flip side, I'm also starting to feel far more negative side effects the past few months, including heartburn, sore throat, chest pain, heart palpitations, wheezing, easily winded/sweaty, headache, and high blood pressure.  I'm embarrassed to even type all that out while admitting that I'm still vaping just as much. But I'm also hoping these are the motivators I need to make my health more of a priority. 

I'm terrified and have very little faith in myself. But I guess this is the first step, right? We're both closer to quitting than we were before typing out these messages. Best of luck to you! ❤️

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If it gives you any hope, I am less terrified when I wrote the original post a few days ago.  I am getting my quit kit together.  I stepped down from 5% to 3% today.  I am not feeling an ounce of shame for using NRT (the patch).  Whatever works to eventually be free of the addiction.  I'm telling myself every day that I am going to succeed.  Like, literally looking at myself in the mirror and saying out loud "you are doing this."  I also have a therapist and he's been a huge cheerleader, too.  We really really really need cheerleaders on this journey.  It sounds silly, but it really helps.  

You can do it!  I know you can.  Your husband needs to get on board if he's not already.  If he doesn't want to quit, that's fine, but he needs to be the biggest supporter you have and not vape around you or give in when you beg him for a puff.  He needs to give you positive reinforcement daily.  Multiple times a day. And he needs to tell you he's proud of you for the smallest of accomplishments. 

If my ex had done those things for me, I likely wouldn't have picked it up again after quitting for 8 months.  

That said, if he doesn't, we'll be here to do it for you.  I am PROUD OF YOU for even being here and thinking about stopping.  That takes some guts. 


0 Kudos


I switched from 5% pods to the 3% pods today.  And I am doing ok! No physical withdrawals at all.  I know that half of this addiction is totally psychological anyway.  

I'm going to keep track of how much I am using.  If I can make it to Sunday without buying anymore, then I know I've seriously cut down on my nicotine intake.  I think this will make transitioning to the patch a lot easier.  A 3% pod is about equivalent to the amount of nicotine in the patch. 

Anyway, just checking in to let folks know where I'm at.  I also have a bunch of "quit kit" supplies coming in the mail, too. 😄 

I am doing this. 


0 Kudos

@RikkiJean Sounds like a great plan.    That leads to success.


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Another update 😄

So, the 3% Juuls are going well.  I am tracking how much I am consuming, and it's about equivalent to the 5% Juuls.  So, this means I am taking in less nicotine.  I am feeling little body cravings throughout the day, and I am powering through.  I'm getting myself accustomed to that feeling, and also accustomed to overcoming it.  One tiny victory at a time.  Let's see if I can consume even less today.  Less than 10 days to go before I say goodbye to these stupid things forever. 

Love this community.  Thanks to everyone for being here. 

0 Kudos

@RikkiJean Glad to see you're working on your quit kit.  Walking is a great way to increase dopamine and relieve stress.

Keep moving forward.



Hello again! 

Hopefully, some fellow Juul people will see this thread and get some insights.  

Yesterday was better.  I vaped even less.  I set timers for myself so I wouldn't just sit and vape non-stop, as is the norm with these evil little devices.  Did I always make it to the end of the timer before vaping? No. But, I got pretty far into it, and I practiced overcoming cravings while doing it. 

Some things that helped me through the urges: deep breathing, taking huge gulps of water, doing a few jumping jacks.  I am REALLY looking forward to the weekend so I am not staring at my work laptop 8 hours a day.  That does NOT help.  Work is definitely a trigger.  Sadly, it's not one that I can just walk away from.  But I can do more during the day to mitigate the urges.  That, I have control over. 

Tomorrow, I have a big day of volunteering, doing habitat restoration at the Mormon Mountain Wilderness here in Nevada.  Manual labor and activity like that definitely keeps my mind off of puffing my Juul.  I expect to consume even LESS nicotine tomorrow. 

Next weekend, 10/30, is the big day.  It's so close and I am so excited.  I have scheduled that Monday and Tuesday off work, so I've got a decent buffer between my quit date and going back to work.  

Well, that's today's update!  I hope fellow Juul quitters out there are doing well! We can do this!