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Body dysmorphia after quitting

Shortly after I stopped being involved with this community I began to vape again. When I vape I lose a lot of weight and I know it is unhealthy. Now, after a year, I quit vaping again. It’s been 5 days since I quit and I know I am past the worst of physical withdrawal but I feel mentally stuck. I am struggling with my self confidence, body dysmorphia, and depression. I feel so fat since I quit, I loved my weight before and I felt confident at my prior weight. I’m getting dangerous close to buying a vape.

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3 Replies

Good job making it five days!  Your body is revolting right now, and your depression is totally a function of your lack of nicotine.  Be patient.  This is just a phase.  It's going to be a long phase, but it is a phase. I promise. 

Your brain is lying to you.  Don't listen to it.  Find something to distract yourself.  

I will be right there with you in a week and a half.  I quit on the 30th.  I am totally getting ready to feel like complete crap.  And I am going to wade through the crap because I know it's better on the other side.  You can wade through the crap, too.  I believe in you. 


Remember that no matter what you are an amazing person. Just look at yourself, you have already made it this far, why not see if you can go just a little farther? I guarantee you will be surprised at just how strong you truly are. You just need some reminding!


@ncooper Congrats on your success.  How are you doing?


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