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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Replies

6 D's (when you get a craving, urge, thought)



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Hello Everyone. Im new here..and have decided to quit smoking tomorrow. Im at the end of my leash here, and I have finally decided that its time to get help, get support, and get off cigarettes for good. I have tried to quit cold turkey 7 times now...the longest I lasted was 3 weeks...then really messed up my life again by a single craving. That was 5 years ago..Ive been a pack and a half a day smoker since. I have reasons to stop, especially saving money..they are getting much more expensive..and also smelling better, and tasting my food better. But all in all..(of course..there are many reasons for me to want to quit) Ive decided to come here for guidance. Any suggestions anyone can give woudl be a blessing! usually by day ready to strangle some if any one out there cares to share..please do! 🙂 Evelyn.

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My quit will be 5 years old on March 20th and my support group membership began here in this group. I was a smoker for 39 years and smoked between a pack and a half to two packs a day when I quit.

"Yes I Can" was not a belief I stated with and I am not really sure when exactly I believed I could but I am sure grateful of Edith's invitation to this group back then!

Not One Puff ~ Yes You Can was posted on my refrigerator for the first two years of my quit and today it is imprinted on my heart and soul.

Thank you, thank you!!

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Hi everyone, trying for the 10th or so time to quit smoking tomorrow. Any help will be greatful. I am by myself and my dog "Mama". She is my world. I have no friends or family near me. I am afraid I will not have the will power to quit. I want to quit and need to quit ...having surgery soon and I do not want to be in the hospital and rehab jonesing for a cigerette. Wish me luck and any suggestion to help me will be appriciated. 

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Okay, so my quit date is coming up (4/16) and I wouldn't exactly say I'm panicking... I know I'm struggling with other things in my life, but the last few years have been getting over one hill after another, so what can you do?  Definitely not quit (unless it's something bad for you, right?) so you have to look at it like riding a bicycle: You gotta peddle like [insert colorful metaphor here] to get up the hill, then you can cruise down and let the momentum get you through the valley.  

But the problem is, in the past, when I've quit, something absolutely earth-shaking seems to come along and I relapse.  Well, it's been too long since I started this addiction, broke free of it, then started back at square one.  The longer I do this, the more chances I have that its affected my health permanently.  It's not like you can know just how many coffin nails you can get away with before you're buried.  

My mom was a smoker all of my life, until maybe the last 5 - 10 years.  She died from a "surprise" massive heart attack in December 2010.  The bad thing is that she smoke A LOT.  She was, toward the end of her addiction, smoking a carton every 2 - 3 days, but it doesn't matter.  Before that, she was probably a 1-2 pack a day-er.  Either way, when was that one-- that final cigarette that did irreparable damage that led to the end of her life way too soon.  The matriarchs in her family lived into their mid-eighties.  She would have been 70 in April 2011, but she didn't make it.  One day, she thought she had a respiratory or flu bug, and the next thing you know, she was gone *snap* like that.  

I guess it was better than slow and painful, if you want to look at it that way, but it was still too soon, and I STILL think it was tobacco that did it.  Born in '41, she was from the "era" where women smoking was an accomplishment, because they weren't allowed in public.  If my mom was anything then like I knew her, then that would have been a big catalyst to help get her started: you didn't tell her what she couldn't do because she was a woman.  And with 164 IQ, she could definitely give you a "why" that would make your head spin.  What could have been?

I don't want that legacy.  I don't want this addiction to "beat me" and I want to try and kick it before it's too late, so I pray that it's not.  Because you never know if you've already smoked that one that was one-too-many.  

*steps off of the soapbox*

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It's my second day smoke free and really looking forward to be smoke free in coming years . The reason I quit was because the health reasons and was getting expensive at a pack or two a day. So hopefully stick to the right state of mind and can stay smoke free for many days to come.

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Hello!  I am new to the group!  Today is 14 days smoke free for me!   yay!  I hope to get to know all of you!  Excited to be part of the group!

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hello all am new here wanna quit smoking for my helth ma family

Today is  1st somke free day

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Thank you, I'm sleeping ok i just don't feel rested but I am very busy each day. I probably need to eat better that's my downfall . This EX site is such a great help. Thank you so much Thomas, I'll start eating better and start walking again. I want to enjoy life after cigarettes. Thank you for all of these posters and quotes and stories from  our site. I have tears in my eyes i needed this thank you. 

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BLESS YOU ,for all of these posts and words of wisdom and the posters thank you. 

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