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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Replies

Glad to hear you identified your trigger and are back on the wagon with us. Steer clear of the drinks for awhile until you get your bearing as an EX-smoker. Hope you're feeling alright with the withdrawal. Keep it up the effort you started before your lapse and you'll be back on Day Eleven, take two...
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Hi guys.

  Alcohol is involved in 50% of all relapses. Be very careful with drinking in the early stages of your quits.

  Life without booze and cigarettes is possible...

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Hi Tony... I'm not sure how long it's been for you, but these longings just happen. Just try to remember the reasons you wanted to quit in the first place. Another thing, go to the main page of Become an X & read the blog post from ckoalaco. It's the 3rd one. I'm sure that will remind you that you'll do anything to keep your wonderful quit going.
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Every time the urge to smoke hits, I think about how it felt to think I was sufficating, Then I pop a Halls Breezers and suck on that until the urse leaves. So far it has worked well for me, I'm now in my 10th day and the cravings are getting fewer.
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good morning tony.....i would say just try to look at the day as a beautiful gift and think about how great you will feel at the end of it if you don't give in. also try to remember as you see people smoking on the street, what an awful habit it is. they are hooked and they are not really enjoying it even though our minds can make us think how lucky they are for still smoking. try to take it easy on yourself today - maybe treat yourself to something to congratulate yourself for coming this far and staying quit. that may take your mind off the urges. most importantly, don't push yourself to do difficult things today that would make you want to give in. i hope you have a great day - you're doing great!!!!!!!!!
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hi everyone,,,want to do this,,,,SCARED,,,,going on the patch as soon as it arrives....(QUIT LINE),,should be here in 10 days,,,,,right now i'm very depressed,,,I just buried my dad,,,,Lung cancer,,,feel alone and scared,,,,Need help to do this,,,,
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Hi Lorie.

  I'm terribly sorry about your father. I cannot imagine how hard that must be during this season. My heart goes out to you.

  Quitting can be a very scary thing to do but it is soooooo worthwhile. If you need help, then cheer up because you've certainly come to the right place for that!!!

  You can do this!!!
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I am so upset I have been cutting down because when I quit cold turkey my panic attacks come back. I was taking a medication but I ended up with insomnia a a side effect. I can not take chantix because I have depression and it makes it worse. I feel like everything is fighting against me. My husband still smokes he is trying to quit but not doing too well. I have a step-son at home that smokes it is just really hard. I was smoking a pack a day then I cut back to 3 a day for 2 weeks. But I have been having some stressful things going on and I can not get a medicine that works that I am back up to like 8 a day on top of everything I have been so depressed lately I do not know what to do I feel like a failure and I want to quit it is just so hard. Thanks for listening if you have any advice please send me some I really need it.
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Good morning Brenda, Happy smokefree day to you in sunny CA. It's going to be a smokefree day here in snowy Chicago! Hope you have a great one!
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Yes, it's awesome that we can all come together for support and to support others!
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