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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Replies

Christine thank you so much I'll take you're advice. I cleaned the dinning room and put the dvd's away, we just moved in about two months ago.
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Becca, thanks I told him and he apologized. He seems to understand how much stress this puts on me, which is good. I'm sorry about your boyfriend, if that were me I'd make a rule saying that im my car, and in the bedroom no smoking, tell him it makes you sick, even gag a little when he blows it in your face. If that doesn't work you might want to let him know that this is something you need to do and if he loves you (I'm sure he does) he'd be more respectful of your choice. Tell him you might not succeed, but that even if he chooses to smoke, you need his support and that you will support him when he needs it too.
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P.S. If you live in CT, USA.....go to
  They offer free online/telephone coaches.
  It's like having a free shrink that is immersed in the tobacco quit issue.
  I spoke to my 'coach' for an hour last week, and she called me last night to see how i was doing, and if I had any issues keeping me from quitting.
  Man, what a great service! I've decided to join a conference call next Saturday with 8 other quitters (Moderated). But I feel that the more support, and the more you get involved, the better.
  I also plan as part of my quit to volunteer at the 'homeless' shelter on Thanksgiving Day. I'm an excellent cook/organizer, so I think that all will go well.
  I was going to do the whole 'feast' for me and my wife, but I feel that I'll get much more out of cooking for the homeless, than being "ego", and doing for just my wife and I.
  I hope that your 'quits' all go well during this holiday.
  Volunteering may not be your cup of tea, but if you have even a half-empty cup, you can get it filled by "giving" a bit of your time and energy to the local food bank, or homeless shelter. Giving IS receiving.
  Not bein' preachy, just going by the heart.
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Thanks so much, I plan on speaking with him about it and I think we will be able to work out an agreement, I have not talked to him about it because I am afraid he will not take it seriously but I think I will have too. Julie, you have no idea how glad I am to hear that you quit while with a smoker, I feared that I would not be able to do that so thanks for that hope.
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Comment by Annie G 5 hours ago I will be 55 in two days. I just watched a remarkable video by Michael, a member of this forum.

  I am going to start living and stop dying on my birthday!!!

  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIEG!! I will turn 60 on 12/16 and have targeted that as my quit date. Please let us know how that works for you? BTW, is there a link to Michaels video someplace? Thanks
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Hi Shannon.. Here's a link to Michaels's page. His video is on it. Well, I see it doesn't show up as a link, but you can copy & paste it into your browser.
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Hi Annie G... Happy Birthday in 2 days! It will really be a rebirth for you as a non-smoker! I'm sure you can do it with the help of us on the group & the site. Be sure & read the Forums & Blogs on the main tabs. Just prepare yourself that the first 2 or 3 days are the hardest, but if I can do it, anyone can. Nobody can be more addicted than I was. I'm 65 & smoked since I was 16. I believe that's 49 years of smoking, so it's really impossible to try to picture in my mind how I felt when I was a non-smoker, but I've been off the killer weeds for 73 days now and I do feel better. My blood pressure is great now and I have more energy. I have the same disease as Michael, but mine isn't as advanced as his. Still I knew I had to quit if I wanted to live. Emphysema doesn't get better, but it won't get any worse if you quit smoking. Most everyone on here probably has it to one degree on another if you've smoked for quite a few years. It's hard to diagnose unless you have a breathing test done with a machine, because all my tests turned out fine....even my chest xray, but as a last resort they did the breathing test & that showed 45% of my lungs were gone, so....if you want to live, bite the bullet and quit. YOU CAN DO IT! Hugs, Sylvia
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Thanks so much, Sylvia!! My smoking years are almost equal with yours, began when I was 12 so that makes 48 years for me!! Good grief, that's a lifetime isn't it?? Congrats on 73 days smoke free. I am, at this point, disease free......lungs and heart are great for my age. I have lost 100 pounds in the past year but my blood pressure (even with medication) is still too high, so I just know that the end of my smoking will be a really good thing. I just love these groups, the people we meet, the advice we recieve and simply the commiseration of fighting so hard TOGETHER!
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O.K. My quit date was the 13th of this month. I went five days without smoking and it was pretty easy. Due to the stress that comes with being a first year college student, and preparing for finals...I slipped...but I still haven't purchased my own pack of smokes. Which I am very proud of. But I'm back on track and haven't smoke a cig in two days now. I'm going to do better about letting the stress get to me. I start a yoga routine tommorow morning....I'm thinking that will help with the stress.
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You have a good evening as well, Lisa! Edith was the first person to send me a message 3 days ago when I first joined this website! I look forward to the discussions about EVERYTHING!! LOL I think that I will, most likely, have numerous relapses but the feeling I get with all ya'll is that we can work through that problem together!
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