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Give and get support around quitting


Please give me courage

so glad I found this site!  I quit years ago and made it through 4 years.  was a while ago, but I have to quit smoking! my date is January 1st, 2021.  going to be very challenging as my husband quitting at the same time.  omg!  Im scared because I remember how horrible I was the first 5 months last time..  will be using nrt, but it didnt really help to much last time.  Took me 1 year to get over it.  How can I become more confident

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I think you do have courage . You've done it before , you know what to expect , so you know what's normal .

You know you can not take a puff . You learned by giving your four year quit away what will help you from doing that now .

You do have courage and even more strength now that even your first attempt because you've done it before. 

Congrats to your husband as well .  Do it for you,  don't take on his responsibility , but do positive things together like walking .. or hey how bout two week date nights   

Encouragement comes from your courage . 

Post  before you smoke is all I can give you for advise because it is what helped me , but if that's not something that helps you then do for yourself what you know will . No one knows you better than you do how to do this for you . 

Inam glad you are here .

My first quit was eight years and I smoked for years after . What I got to show for it , was copd and arteriosclerosis among many other things that I may not have had I stayed quit .

That's the past , I now live in the present looking forward to the future . I kerpmquit one day at a time . I think about smoking as my help  .. never ! 

I am now again 9 and a half years quit tomorrow .  

You will do it .. not that you need courage .  You already have courage because you've posted , so now with work and with gratefullness you have a second chance .  

One day at a time . 


Welcome again.  Glad you posted to introduce yourself to the community.  You've already gotten great advice.  If you follow the advice to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan you will be successful.  Being afraid is normal--everything we did and everything we felt was associated with smoking.  But you can overcome that fear by facing your journey one day at a time.  It's great that your husband is quitting also, but as other's have said, it's your quit.

There are lots of tools to use so identify them in advance so that you're prepared.  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers for my success quit.  Walking helped me a lot, along with chewing on straws, video games, Sour Patch Kids and spending time on the Ex.  Keep busy!

We're here to support you.  Just reach out anytime you need encouragement or want to share your experience.

Looking forward to celebrating with you on the 1st



Certainly great advice here.  My #1 strategy that kept me going was my quit plan and my  personal list of things to do instead of smoke. My personal list was helpful because sometimes  I couldn't think what to do.  My list kept me focused.  Read, read, read.  Plan plan plan.  I stuck very close to this site.  There is a wealth of information and help here.  Walking, eating Altoids by the truckloads, deep breathing  and blowing bubbles were my go to for distraction.  I loved blowing bubbles.  There was something very calming about gently blowing those little bubbles and watching them  gently float around. I got that idea from elvan, an elder on this site.  

Stay strong, stay determined.  You have everything you need right inside you to make this happen.  You did it once you can do it again. 



The bubble idea was given to me by a respiratory therapist who was helping me to learn the best way to breathe with COPD. Inhale deeply through the nose & hold for a count of five, exhale very slowly through pursed lips to a count of ten. If you exhale too fast or too strongly, you won't get bubbles. It helped & was also fun. You CAN do this! Oh, l ate lots of Sour Patch Kids to distract myself & l spent a great deal of time on EX, that REALLY helped.



How are u feeling today? 


Hi and welcome, the 2 of you are making the best choice possible, together the 2 of you will find strength and courage together to become free of a bad addiction. You can help each other, when one is down the other can help the other up. Along with knowledge and all the people here, we are all family now, we are in this together. 


How are you doing arubablue


Every day is one more day better, and adds days to your life. What can be better than life. Yes it’s scary, but if you can feel the difference it’s worth all of it. We are here for you folks.

may I suggest Track Your Tobacco and Identify Your Triggers | BecomeAnEX and understand the why and when you smoke.  some people treat this as a bad habit.  Congrats on 4 years quit prior, though.  I'm coming up on my 5 years in a few weeks.  Stay close to this site.  Blog your brains out and keep at it !!!!
