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Give and get support around quitting


November Quitters

Wish me luck as I wish you luck!
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609 Replies

Hey Maggie - I wish you the best. Withdrawl is/was bad, wait for behavior mod, just picking up the phone or driving or with coffee, etc. I need to replace all the "smoking" behaviors.
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I'm quitting in 3 days - Nov 16th - my birthday. Taking Chantix has helped the cravings. Down from my normal pack a day to under half a pack. They don't even taste good anymore. The enjoyment of smoking is gone, time to break the habit now. Wish me luck. We can do this.
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Keep fighting! If you get a craving, get out of the room or wherever you are and go to the bathroom and look yourself in the mirror. Take a few deep breaths, get a glass of water or rinse out your mouth with mouthwash to get rid of the "salivating" cravings. You will begin to see that doing "other" things when you get a craving will be your new habit.
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Hi i am going for the 22
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Surprisingly, the hardest time for me is in the car! I so thought it would be the first one with my morning coffee or with my glass(es) of wine in the evening but those are totally bearable. It's in the car driving that I get edgy and antsy! LOL just like the commercial I guess!
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Anyone has any advise for me i am quitting in 8 days and i need all the advise you can give.I really want this too work so i joined here to see if this will help me i am looking forward to making new friends that will help me quit smoking that are either trying to quit themselves or already has i know from past experience that having others that smoke will just make me want to smoke.I have too make all nonsmokers friends because right now i don't have any.
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Good job, Brenda!
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i hear ya! It's friday night and my husband invited some people over...i'm already dreading it! 2 of the couples coming over don't smoke but the other one does, it's only 11 here and all i can't think about is 7pm. will i or won't i? Good luck to you...and me! 🙂
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last night was so hard. my husband left for iraq and i was just distraught. I had one glass of wine (knowing it was a bad idea) but still did not smoke, thank God. It was so hard! It's a slippery slope, drinking...i know if I were to drink tooo much then I'd give in to the cigarettes. Drinking just makes the path that much why do it...ahhhh its fun and relief but i can resist for a month? Right? lol I need to! I am finding that quitting cigs is also giving up a few other things, for example: alcohol, greasy food...environments in general. And, I know I will only give those other things up for a season as I learn to live life without a cig...but its such a loss...its like changing your whole routine around and its so hard. I keep thinking, "gosh I cannot do this..." but then I think, you know? I did not smoke for the first 21 years of my life and I lived a great life...better than it is possible...good luck everybody i'm glad we have this place to share.
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Today is day # 2 for me. I've quit before and the first few days seem to be the easiest so I know whats coming. Will try to stay close to this site and learn from everyone here. This site is great, lots of cool people.
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