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No Christmas Here This Year

As much as I adore this time of year I've decided to skip Christmas this year. It used to be fun when the kids were smaller but both boys are adults now with one 18 years old and one 25 year old. Being guys they don't really care about decorations or lights or anything else. I have a bunch of cookie dough ready to roll out and cut and decorate but I'm not wasting my time this year. I'm just going to get the kids what they want and they can have it when it comes into the house. I had to buy a new tree but it's still in the box so I'm going to have them put it it the attic for the next time we actually have a Christmas celebration. I'm the only Christian in the house so I will focus on Jesus and they can do whatever they want. I just don't feel like it would be an enjoyable one and I certainly don't need any extra stress! I'm ready to become a smoker again. It won't help my problems but I was actually happier then. I guess I just need an addiction of some sort and those are the only things that are legal besides alcohol and I don't drink. I'm not going to make that decision or act on it yet, it's always better to sleep on it and really think it through so I'm going to do just that. Thank you all for your continued support as you are the only ones that have supported me throughout this endeavor!

Peace to you all.

Julie  36 DOF

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52 Replies

Thanks! As long as your church isn't a fire and brimstone yelling fest I'd go! I like the easy going, lesson filled, loving kind of sermon is my only criteria.


Do you have an Episcopal church near you?  They are a step or two down from the last Catholic service I attended - but that was many a long year ago - so don;t know if that is still true.  I do know that they aren't a fire and brimstone kinda' place!  I hope others might chime in with suggestions, too.



I attend a Presbyterian Church and find the services relaxed, friendly, and inspiring.  We do a lot of singing and have some wonderful musicians.  I do come away energized and ready for another week



    You are early in your quit. To declare that you are a hopeless, helpless addict of some sort defies the possibility of recovery and this because it just feels too hard to change. I cannot encourage you to fall into your addiction with arms wide open, because I know that full recovery is real...and is for you too.

    I accept that you are feeling angry and frustrated, but to willfully turn back to smoking is more about having a tantrum than it is about having faith.

    Keep facing your life, keep recovering. That's where your treasure is, where your Christmas is.


Hi Julie, I am so happy you have chosen not to smoke.  Most years, my husband and I don't really decorate for Christmas.  This year, he put up the outside lights but that is as far as we are going.  I don't have a church near me that I attend.  I found my church actually online.  The church is called The Crossing (  They are located in the St. Louis Area.  I love this church, if I lived in the St. Louis area I would go to this church.  They air the live online and post it to their site if you want to watch it later. 

Merry Christmas Julie,


Christmas is in the heart.

Smoking was a drug

drinking is a drug

you don't need to alter your perception with a drug if you'll find something you like to do just for you.



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 Yesterday I told the kids to move the new Christmas tree off the front porch and put it in the attic they asked why we weren't putting it up I told them I'm not going to do all the 'Christmas stuff' this year. My youngest asked if we were going to do the outside lights at least and I said no. To my surprise he said that he wanted to put up the outside lights and got them down from the attic so he could get them up today. Amazingly enough they BOTH said they wanted the tree up and that they would decorate it. When they asked about the cookie dough I told them I was going to freeze it. Once again my youngest told me he'd make them if I showed him how.  I can't believe it, I honestly thought they didn't care! I am now in the Christmas spirit and I can worship Christ as well as enjoy the the holiday trimmings!  I AM SO GLAD I didn't smoke to pacify myself. I am much more at peace on day 38!



That's the kinda stuff that will just make you cry!  So beautiful

I'm glad you will celebrate Christmas along with your family.

Perhaps we presuppose what others are thinking and form opinions and make decisions that may not be based on facts?

I imagine that's how many people approach quitting smoking. They've already set negative parameters and failure becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.