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No Christmas Here This Year

As much as I adore this time of year I've decided to skip Christmas this year. It used to be fun when the kids were smaller but both boys are adults now with one 18 years old and one 25 year old. Being guys they don't really care about decorations or lights or anything else. I have a bunch of cookie dough ready to roll out and cut and decorate but I'm not wasting my time this year. I'm just going to get the kids what they want and they can have it when it comes into the house. I had to buy a new tree but it's still in the box so I'm going to have them put it it the attic for the next time we actually have a Christmas celebration. I'm the only Christian in the house so I will focus on Jesus and they can do whatever they want. I just don't feel like it would be an enjoyable one and I certainly don't need any extra stress! I'm ready to become a smoker again. It won't help my problems but I was actually happier then. I guess I just need an addiction of some sort and those are the only things that are legal besides alcohol and I don't drink. I'm not going to make that decision or act on it yet, it's always better to sleep on it and really think it through so I'm going to do just that. Thank you all for your continued support as you are the only ones that have supported me throughout this endeavor!

Peace to you all.

Julie  36 DOF

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52 Replies

Julie, I pray that when you wake this morning, you will realize that the "happier" times in the past were not due to your smoking or satisfying a need to have an addiction.  These are poisonous thoughts brought on by the addiction. 

Please don't throw away the quit you have worked so hard to establish.  It is true we are all here to support you throughout this endeavor, but we are not the only ones.  He will always be there for you, just reach out and He will provide you with the peace, love and strength you need. 

This is the season to celebrate all He has done for us and all He does for us daily.  Let us all celebrate His presence in our lives  Merry Christmas.



@Hi Julie I am so glad you posted this blog because I have been feeling sad this Christmas too. I have not had Christmas with any of my family for 12 years now . I have not put up a tree but every year  I set up the beautiful manger given to me by my daughter many years ago . I am a christian too and I like to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

I live with a fellow Christian who does not celebrate Christmas so I put up the manger in my bedroom . 

This year I feel even more depressed reading all the comments has helped me too. 

You are still in the early stages of withdrawal be easy on yourself and don't give in to the nicodemon in your head . I can 't write more because of my carpal tunnel but I will be thinking of you in my prayers Julie . Christmas can be a very unhappy time of year for many of us. 

Congrats to you for all of your days of freedom hang in there lady !!!!

Together we are stronger !☺


I love the word 'nicodemon'! Perfect!!



Hey Julie. You are in the middle of a lot of change. There's nothing wrong with finding new traditions when the old ones lose their luster. If fact, there's everything right about it.  I packed away my christmas decorations for a few years when the season lost it's joy for me. I lit one small candle every evening. It was magical for me, in the moment. I have a whole new set of traditions now. Have I mentioned my amazing santa collection recently?

Change is. Everything changes, all the time. Just the way it's supposed to.


Good Morning Everyone! It's a new day. I spent a lot of time in prayer and reflection over this. I'm not sleeping well in the recliner so I have more time to think, even if it is in a sleep deprived state. It's wonderful to hear that not everyone does all the festivities over this Holy-Day. My 'kids' still live at home so I felt obligated to do the usual Christmas routine. This time of year is hard because my family are not believers. I stopped going to my church after my knee injury and they had opened the part of the building as the new sanctuary because the congregation had overgrown the part of the building (the gym/child/event area) we were using for worship. The last time I was there, still in a full metal, cage, leg brace it was so jammed packed there wasn't  any place to park and the reception area was swamped. I can't handle crowds so I never went back. Not going to church has made me lose sight or at least dim my faith in practice. I forget that I am here for Him, by Him. I will spend the rest of the holiday in prayer and reflection, hopefully learning about how to live in His way. I will do this as a non-smoker because I'm sure that is not part of the path he has in mind for me.  Thank you all for your uplifting support, as you always do when I'm in trouble. May we all spend our holiday season with clear sight, peaceful minds, and joyous hearts.

Julie  37? DOF


Perhaps you need to look around for a new church??  Don't give up on something that is important to you because one place isn't for you anymore!

This quit journey includes relearning your life as an ex-smoker.  I think that would be a GREAT beginning!



Julie, you made my day, made me happy first thing in the morning, and Thank you for being back.  Whomever words touched you the most to help you see the right way, it does not matter to me.  What matters is that you are back in track and for that I am really happy today.  Have a wonderful day!


Thank you. It was the words and wisdom from all of you that responded to my plea that got me to rethink what I was planning to do; to just say 'F'-it and give up/give in. If I had that kind of support here at home it wouldn't have crossed my mind to start smoking ever again. I turn to my newly found friends here and always receive the support and genuine loving care to get me through the thorns so I can see the roses beginning to bloom. I am forever grateful to you all and am ready to start another day without the nicodemon (Thanks BonnieBee) breathing down my neck so closely.  Peace to you all my friends!



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Thank you Julie for making today so much better and adding some more sparkle to the Christmas Season If you lived closer, I would pick you up every Sunday, put you in the back (between the twins) and take you to Church with us! Parking is a little tight, but we really don't have the crowds
