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No Christmas Here This Year

As much as I adore this time of year I've decided to skip Christmas this year. It used to be fun when the kids were smaller but both boys are adults now with one 18 years old and one 25 year old. Being guys they don't really care about decorations or lights or anything else. I have a bunch of cookie dough ready to roll out and cut and decorate but I'm not wasting my time this year. I'm just going to get the kids what they want and they can have it when it comes into the house. I had to buy a new tree but it's still in the box so I'm going to have them put it it the attic for the next time we actually have a Christmas celebration. I'm the only Christian in the house so I will focus on Jesus and they can do whatever they want. I just don't feel like it would be an enjoyable one and I certainly don't need any extra stress! I'm ready to become a smoker again. It won't help my problems but I was actually happier then. I guess I just need an addiction of some sort and those are the only things that are legal besides alcohol and I don't drink. I'm not going to make that decision or act on it yet, it's always better to sleep on it and really think it through so I'm going to do just that. Thank you all for your continued support as you are the only ones that have supported me throughout this endeavor!

Peace to you all.

Julie  36 DOF

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Christmas is ON in my house! I've made and decorated cookies, got the new tree up it just needs the ornaments, hot glued some new flowers into the lit wreath I started last year, and got it and the outside lights and garland up. Tomorrow we decorate the tree and I will be starting the baking for the season, the neighbors are getting antsy for goodies. I have completed the Christmas shopping. I still have cards to write and other things to finish but I have 11 days. Two days ago I was in Party City and they had headbands with a pretty, red bow on top, just off to the side a bit.  I always put the bow of the first present opened on Christmas day in my hair. I just stick it on there and then proceed to paste the other ones on me as we go.  So I wear the bow headband in my car on the way home and when I got there my husband had gotten home from work already.  He saw me with the headband on and busted up laughing.  He then said "Thank you - I really needed that today ya goof".  Oh the feeling of giving, caring, love, joy, and peace came back tenfold.  I thank everyone here, but especially to all my guys for getting me out of the dark place I was in.  Thank the Lord for He is born!!!




I've spent half my life working with the elderly and in Nursing homes.  For reasons of my own I just can't bring myself to go back into one unless someone puts me there when I'm unable to have the care I need. I'd rather someone shoot me instead to be honest. 


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I am sorry Julie for whatever experience you had in a nursing home which left you traumatized...As for me, working with the elderlies in a nursing home was eye opening and generated a level of compassion I never thought I had.  Growing up loving kids, and growing in an adult working, helping healing kids, never ever did I think I will develop the level of feelings for the elderly as I did when I started working with them.  The desire to help while their health is failing them, their memory too, sometimes they are emotionally depleted by some terrible affliction, they are so fragile and need so much help, all made me mature in a way I never thought it will.  Hoping if I make it to retirement that my health will allow me to spend time in nursing homes.  There are so many in AZ, and I know from having worked in one about 20 years ago, I know how much they appreciate the interactions the regular employees there don't have enough time to have. One of the residents where I worked was bed ridden, and in a stage of dementia which did not allow her more than a Yes or No answer, but she was able, and smiling while doing it, she was able to sing "You are my sunshine" whenever she was asked to do so; I will never forget her.

Very happy the Christmas spirit descended at your home, and made you and your husband smile.

Congratulations on 46 days, happy No Man's land Journey to you!!! The happier you are the faster you'll get through challenging moments on your quit journey.