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Nicotine mind

So how do I stop my brain from telling me that it’s okay to smoke. Every time a craving comes, my brain tries to convince me it’s okay to smoke and I get a surge of energy to go to the store and buy a juul. So hard to resist 

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14 Replies

Good question @Charles4511 How do I get my brain to stop telling me it's OK to smoke? Well my answer is to retrain myself, my thinking and my beliefs, understand the nature of my addiction. The core of the addiction IS just that, even though it isn't OK we're wired to go ahead with that FALSE BELIEF. Intellectually I knew many years ago that my smoking was not good for me and yet it took decades to actually do something about it.

So each crave, each trigger, each of my "favorite" times, situations, and places to smoke I had to actively relearn healthy attitudes, connections, and behaviors by deliberate mindful intervention and HELP from others going through the very same kind of things as me. That's where your support network comes into play.

The brain, our memories, and especially our EMOTIONS, WILL STOP "telling" us in the many ways that it happens as we gradually build a new set of memories and new beliefs. Each crave that I beat was a victory, still IS in fact even though I haven't actually had a crave in (I can't remember) many years and for me those added up to like 20 or even more a day. Doesn't take real long to add up a whole pile of healthy actions and thus FEELING just like it doesn't take real long to add up a whole pile of unhealthy addictive actions. The CHOICE is ours friend.....

I believed that I would die a smoker until I started living as a NON SMOKER and the more I did it, the more success I had at dealing with life WITHOUT SMOKING, the more that guy faded away. Now my brain, but especially my EMOTIONS, doesn't say anything about ever smoking again. I simply DON'T do that any more.

It has come about from deliberately NOT doing it and learning to deal with everything in this life in other ways. Stick around and follow your course forward ONE DAY AT A hour at a time, one minute at a time, if necessary until you wind up realizing, BELIEVING, that you can in fact change. Take a crave and find something else to do that is positive even if it's just a distraction until the crave passes.

I'm telling you that it's NOT OK to smoke. It's a LIE the junkie you is telling the FREE you and we need to intervene until it becomes our new NORMAL state...

I believed that I was a smoker until death, then I changed that belief through grasping my own actions and the results. NOW I KNOW that I am NOT a smoker and that I will die at some point in time FREE......YOU CAN TO! We are here to help each other make that our NEW REALITY and we get to choose it.

So, TIME, it is the healer and you need to allow yourself the proper amount of time for the healing to happen. Do that by staying clear of the chemistry that got you to where you are now. Do it deliberately and with a sense of accomplishment and positive attitude and YOU WILL CHANGE.

That's some thoughts on it from my perspectives......One day at a time I'm approaching 13 years can to. 


In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...

Welcome @Charles4511 Have you read about nicotine addiction and created a quit plan?  Knowledge and preparation have helped many be successful.

Part of your plan is the tools you'll use when a  craving strikes and the new associations you'll create instead of smoking.  Keeping busy , deep breathing and having a distraction, such a walking, help you to refocus your thinking.

Stay close to the Ex now and reach out like you did today.   Support from other quitters has been key for many.

You got this one day at a time.



Thanks Barb. I’m on my third day and I honestly can’t even believe I made it this far. I’m so nervous that I’m going to slip up


Wow thanks so much for this response. I woke up this morning and it was the first thing I read. I’m feeling super inspired. I also try to tell myself I’m stronger than I think and will not let this beat me. 


Oh it is hard to resist. Just keep resisting. You are doing this. 

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Welcome @Charles4511 to Ex’s...

You can do this, don’t feed the addiction and remind yourself, you never want to go back to Day 1.  Did you plan healthy things you will do instead of smoking? (For example; Take a walk, clean your car, drink water, pray, do a jigsaw puzzle, etc.,)

If you haven’t already read at to help you plan for the tough times.  Keep close to the support site for help.  We are here for you...

Check in and let us know how you are doing with Day 4...Colleen 892 DOF


I am still so shocked I’m making it through my fourth day. My cravings weren’t that bad today but smoking is still on my mind and my mind keeps trying to tell me “well you’re doing fine so why not just have one hit”  


@Charles4511 It’s Nico wanting you back...don’t believe the lies...every time you say “No”... you get stronger and Nico gets weaker...You are doing it...Congrats...

Colleen 892 DOF 


^^^^^ Exactly.....that old demon sneaking in....... N.O.P.E. is your keyword and then you pull out YOU'RE bag of tricks. I found Distraction works well and craves pass pretty quickly. In fact I fought craves with walks and push-ups, deep breathing too... Whatever works for you DO IT.....Strength and confidence come soon enough but ALWAYS keep your guard up.....

Day 4......oh yeah baby! 


In a daily journey of transformation the only thing I can actually control is me and my own behavior...
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