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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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HI Folks...

Today is my first day. I am experiencing everything I thought I might but am really dedicated to seeing this through. I was a member of this site years ago and quit for awhile but alas started again. I really have had enough and fully intend to reclaim my health. I did some great "closing rituals" yesterday evening which felt empowering- and have some dear friends rooting for me, but I will take all the help I can get, and will hope I can help others as well.

Breathing deep!


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I'm Piper and 2/18/14 is my quit date.  I slipped but not relapsed.  I am thinking about taking an empty box and using construction paper and marker and writing POISON on the box and everytime I want to smoke I can look at it and remember FOE not FRIEND.  I wish they still had Mr. Yuck stickers.  I know it sounds crazy but it might help.  I am going to get through this.  My fails before were when I had one cigarette (slip), I would say Oh well I will start over tomorrow or next week because I already failed but not this time.  I slipped and smoked one today but that next one will not get me.  So far so good.  One cigarette is a mistake and I quit again right after that one mistake.  I"M DONE and I HAVE HAD IT!!!  I have a journal and I am writing why I want a cigarette each time I want one and what would be a better solution to handling that problem.  Best wishes to ALL!!!  WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!!!

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Today is my first day without smoking, it´s hard but it´s possible!

i´m so happy!

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I haven't smoked for 28 hours now... it hasn't been too bad..but have had to make a lot of changes in my daily routine... NO morning coffee... I only allowed myself to have coffee at a restaurant tonight when I knew I couldn't smoke. Have felt pretty tired and lethargic all day...No nicotine in my system to act as a stimulant I suppose.. I have attempted to quit numerous times in the past. I think you just have to decide Not to smoke any more. Carr's book, which I only read parts of, is really helpful..

I have drank a lot of water today and took deep breaths when I felt a strong urge.

I do not have a support system, so this site will be pretty important to me...

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Today was my first day, It wasn't to bad, I kept my self busy with my online college classes, I have an amazing support group. I am willing to be there for anyone that's needs support, support is important in this decision. So if you need it I'm here just add me to your friends. 

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Today is my 3rd day, going a bit rough!!  Deep breathes are not helping much but find walking away from my desk helps alot of anxiety. I am worried about tonight, any suggestions would be so appreciated.  Thanks and good luck to all of you.

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Yep, today is my DAY 1. 15hours of no smoking, and I was really good...UNTIL I ate my first meal. Grrrr now I'm anxious and looking for something to distract me.

They say the craving only lasts 3 minutes. Hmm, maybe the morning one, or the bored one, but the one after a meal is lasting much longer.

Deep breaths, distractions, water. Maybe back to bed, lol

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I quit yesterday at 7:30 a.m.  My advice is to use NRT (I'm using the patch) because this doubles your chancesof quitting (or so they say)!  Also, I have downloaded QuitNow on my smartphone and it is keeping me up-to-the-minute on health stats and money saved!  I have been doing well so far.  I noticed vwreynolds will miss the morning one the most - I think I miss the one after a meal the most.  Also, I have quit drinking altogether because in my mind - the two go hand in hand.  Best of luck you everyone!  We can do this!

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Uh, this is this very first day on quitting, well i haven't quitted yet, i start monday 2/24/14 and i joined this website to help better myself in quitting, i'm going ot need alot of support and im leaning on you guys to help discuss things. Right this very moment, im in saturday detention for smoking at school, i was so anxious for one and i needed one so bad so i walked into the bathroom and lit one up. i wasnt the best decison ever, i lost my pack of cigarettes and my chew. but hey thats a sign for me saying its time to quit bro, and here i am in saturday detention for it and i said ahh hell im going to join a website to help me. so if you want to message me and hear more from me, do so 🙂

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When I wake up on Monday morning, Feb. 24, 2014 I will be a non-smoker!!!   Yeah me!! Help!

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