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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Quitters

You can use this wall to introduce yourself and tell your story! Remember, this group is only for those who have stopped smoking completely (no matter for how long). We can use the advice of experienced EX's, too. I am on my 4th day (again), using this site much more and reading reading reading!
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444 Respuestas

How is everyone doing? Just thought I would pass a few things along that have helped me. This is the first time I've been successful and stayed determined to stay quit even under great stress at work and home.

I found a couple apps that helped me. "Quit It Pro" wa sa nice one. It shows me all the details of the benefits of staying quit. I like to look at it when Im having a craving to remind myself of how far I've come.

I've now not had a smoke or drag or anything for 49 days.

I've saved $426.22 in that time that I normally would have spent on smokes (I was a pack a day smoker.) I would have swmoked 997 cis in that time.

I also has little bar graphs showing progress of health. Like 'As of one month and 18 days ago the additional carbon monoxcide has left your system'

I also read "The easy way to stop smoking" by Alan Carr. It was a pretty good book, and helps get you in a good frame of mind to quit and really want to stay that way.

I also adjusted my diet to not include soda, and typically much healthyer items, and have been working out for at least a half hour for most days. I've found running on a treadmill to help relieve some of that stress you feel is building inside when you feel an urge to smoke. I'd love to hear what has worked for you.

Also, I've recieved a few emails from people asking to be in the group. I'm not stopping anyone. I believe you can join/comment without me doing anythnig or approving. All are welcome.

For me I needed to quit because I have a 4 month old baby. I had so much guilt all the time. I couldn't take how I felt that even though I really wanted to, I still hadn't quit. That stupid cigs still controlled me. I couldn't logic my brain or body out of it. Finally something clicked this time. I'm not going to say there arn't times where I want one. (For sure there is) But the farther away from my quit date I get, the more I have invested in staying quit, the less likely I am to give in to temptation.

I'm feeling good (a little manic at times) but good.

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Hello, everybody.  I have been thinking about this for awhile.  I've finally picked a date-- my DH's birthday of April 16th.  I've got to get my brain wrapped around this.  I think I'll start doing something with post-it notes I heard about.  Anyone else heard about motivational things to post for you to read while you're "coming to terms" with "the break-up" of you and cigs???  I would love some examples or funny quotes or whatever comes to mind, even if it's silly.  

Thanks for letting me join! 

T minus DAY 20 & counting!

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I am preparing to stop smoking on April 9th.  I  will be going with the patches.  They helped me some before.  I am just developing the proper mentality to quit for good.  I wish all of us the best of luck!


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Well, today was the first day I awoke to fresh air and no coffin nails!!!!  Yea, me!

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23 hours into my quit, taking it one minute at a time!

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I made it two full months without a single smoke, and then my wife's friend came to stay with us for two weeks and she smoked. I buckled and had a couple which quickly snowballed into smoking almost as I did before. It's an excuse I know. I'm starting again today. I'm hoping I can muster up the same dedication I had last time, and get through it even easier this time.

I just need to remember, I never actually feel better when I have one. It's never really the relief you hope it will be. And the guilt I have because of it, actually makes me feel worse.

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I'm trying to figure out this site, I think I am getting it. I'm on day 13 no cigarettes it's been rough, but surely it's going to get easier. 


WELCOME TO EX! You are here because you are deeply considering getting rid of cigarettes forever, and we are here to help you do just that.
Before you go any further, you must know that the GROUPS feature is not really used much at all anymore. (Just look at the comment under this one. Over 435 days old!) The truth is that everyone in the community here uses the BLOGS to communicate. 
Look toward the upper left corner of your screen. You should see a blue square that says BLOGS. Click on that. You’ll then see a list of open conversations that have been created by the members here. You can click on any of them and read them. Read as many as you like! If you feel like commenting on that person’s specific conversation topic, you can type out your remarks in the box at the bottom.
Writing a BLOG of your own is how you ask questions of the entire group, how you report your progress to us, and how you declare your victories (we like those!). Writing a blog is like speaking out loud to a room full of fellow members, and it’s how we are all able to send you comments and support.
Move over to the BLOGS page now and introduce yourself over there, okay? And seek active support there, too.
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First day, im using Zyban,. the Patch and a e-cig. I quit a few times before.

I need help, trying my best

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I am on my 5th day of freedom and going for dinner with some friends, a mix of smokers and non-smokers, Anyone have any tips to stay away from that after dinner smoke?