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Give and get support around quitting


New to site - Quit day was 6/1/08

Hi - my dh and I quit smoking spontaneously on 6/1/08. I must have been thinking about it for a while, because we had a brief conversation and just threw away all the cigs. We each smoked about a pack (or more) a day. I had been on this site one other time, but never identified my triggers, set a quit date, etc., because I didn't even realize I was that ready. But, I do know my triggers, you know like being awake . . .Seriously, talking on the phone, drinking, getting away from my kids for a bit, a reward for finishing tasks around the house, etc. I find myself not necessarily wanting to smoke, but I do think about it all the time as it was such a part of my routine. I am actually a bit depressed, like losing a friend or something. I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to, which obviously is not true. Sort of like - what's the point in getting all this laundry done if i can't reward myself with a cig? Anyone KWIM? So I am a bit apathetic about the house, meetings, all the things I have going on in my life that I no longer have my unhealthy outlet for, but I am not ready to replace it with something positive as I don't know what that would be, besides positive thinking, which I am doing. Not knowing me, you may think that quitting without a plan was a mistake, but i don't have any friends that smoke and I have already told all my friends, family, and everyone that I can think of that I quit. If anything, that alone will keep me from going back. I have such a strong will. But, I do need help in getting through these first days and weeks. After typing all this, for some reason I feel more depressed than before. I wonder why that is? Thankfully, the depression is not making me feel like smoking. I have quit before for years at a time, due to pregnancy and breast feeding, so I know I can do it - it's just making the choice for me this time, instead of for one of my kids.
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5 Respuestas

Welcome, Cathy. There certainly are lots of peole here that are eager to help you stick with it. I know what you mean by missing that reward. I am just now able to get stuff done without wandering around wringing my hands afterwards. I have started rewarding myself with coming on here....a whole other addiciton LOL. Rewards are an important part of quitting so you really do need to plan out those. I and others have shared on here the idea of a quit stash (quit kit) that you fill with things to help you through cravings, but they're good for rewards, too. Crayons and coloring books, crosswords, soduko, knitting, crossstitch, word finds, novels...whatever helps you disconnect and distract is good here. Keeping busy actually may help because it leaves less time to THINK!
Best of luck. Your kids are worth it. YOU are worth it.
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Yay Cathy! Quitting is good- plan or not. With a plan, you could have address these things before (easier). Now you need to. If you haven't already, read archived posts. Keep busy! Rewards can be a cup of favorite tea, buy yourself some special chocolate, magazines you like, etc. Reward replacement is important, temporary, but important. Smokers don't seem to know how to take a break if it is not a "smoke break" sick is that? lol We trained ourselves to think that we need a "special drug" after we finish normal household chores! Yikes! It gets better. Re-think what is going on. You are not missing anything. Don't forget to constantly pat yourself on the back for this life change....go out and get yourself some treats today! You are going to be saving money- spend it on yourself right now!!!!
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Yay Cathy! Quitting is good- plan or not. With a plan, you could have address these things before (easier). Now you need to. If you haven't already, read archived posts. Keep busy! Rewards can be a cup of favorite tea, buy yourself some special chocolate, magazines you like, etc. Reward replacement is important, temporary, but important. Smokers don't seem to know how to take a break if it is not a "smoke break" sick is that? lol We trained ourselves to think that we need a "special drug" after we finish normal household chores! Yikes! It gets better. Re-think what is going on. You are not missing anything. Don't forget to constantly pat yourself on the back for this life change....go out and get yourself some treats today! You are going to be saving money- spend it on yourself right now!!!!
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Hi Cathy, I would like to say " Yep, it's going to be easy as pie" But then I'd be lying to you. Maybe if I tell you how I quit, maybe that would help you.
I actually caught a bad cold. Every time I tried to light one up I would just GAG and Cough, My three pack a day habit went down to maybe three cigs a day with that cold that I have caught. At the time I was going back and forth to the VA in Columbia. They do love to give out their Nicotine Patches. So I put one on. It helped out some, but then the days got to warm and the patches wouldn't stay on my arm. So I just quit. Cold turkey is what they call it. I call it "ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was very hard to do. But one day changed to two, a week into a month. Now it's been 10 months for me. I wish I could say this was the end of the story, but it isn't. One of the major factors of me quitting was putting my mind at ease. You see Cathy, every time I left my house in the wee hours of the morning I always thought that I left a cig in the ashtray. I would actually call my wife on my way to work (about 3-4 am ) and wake her up to check the ashtrays in the house. This drove her Crazy. We got into a lot of fights over this.... I just couldn't help it. I didn't want to accidently start a fire and burn down my house with my wife and little girl inside. That just scared me too death.
No matter what I did, or change my routine, I always thought about it, if I left a cig in that ashtray. "Did I, Didn't I" It drove me crazy Cathy. Finally with that cold that I caught and my fear of catching my house and family on fire, I quit. I said enough is enough. I made up my mind and I haven't smoked since. THATS THE SECRET CATHY, YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO QUIT AND JUST DO IT. Everyone around me can't believe that I have quit. They are still in shock. Thats how much I use to smoke, they felt that I was a hopeless cause, that I couldn't ever quit. But I did and so can you Cathy.
Hey I'm a Police Officer, everyone around me smokes at work. Every time I get into a Patrol Car, I can smell the smoke. Sometimes when I get into the office I see an ashtray on my desk, ( yes that makes me mad) but I wont let it make me start up again. I have had calls that I have responded to that after all is said and done, "Yes I thought about lighting one up" but I don't.... thats the part that really counts.
I hope this helps you out Cathy. I wish you good luck, But you know, like I do, it has nothing to do with luck. Its want YOU want to do.
I look forward to being your friend,
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Cathy, I had a "plan" to quit smoking for the past 15 years. That plan didn't work of course, till one day I decided I was going to try chantix. I thought ok, the commercials are optimistic I'll give it a try. Not really thinking it would really work, but it did mainly because I was truly ready to quit. So if you are truly ready you will be able to do this. And you will be able to get past the I'm depriving myself feeling in time. Take it one day at a time and you will succeed

Lots of luck!! 😃

My quit began One Month, Fifteen Days, 10 Hours and 50 Minutes ago, while extending my life expectancy 5 Days and 15 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1626 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $305.42.
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