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Give and get support around quitting


Pick a Date

Give yourself 5 months to quit. Pick a date and say it to yourself every time you lit up and every time you buy a pack. Say it - Mean it! It will start to stick in your head and when that date rolls around, crumble up that pack and tell your self - Good Job!
Now the fun part begins, your clothes start to smell cleaner - Keep talking to yourself and tell you that you can't have that stuff anymore
Your food starts to taste better- Keep talking to yourself and tell you that you can't have that stuff anymore
You start to smell things around you that quite frankly, don't smell pretty - but guess what? Now YOU CAN SMELL THEM - Keep talking to yourself and tell you that you can't have that stuff anymore
I talk to myself quite often, telling myself that I wasn't going to buy any for me - No, you can't have that, and pretty soon, you won't want it anymore.
Give it a try, its cheaper that patches and other stuff you have to spend more money on
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1 Reply

Awesome advise, Keyz. Newbies take heed - this guy knows what he's talking about Photobucket
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