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Give and get support around quitting


New start!!!

Ive smoked off and on for 10 years. Since my mom passed away on July 7, 2008 Ive smoked at least a pack a day now. Im starting to get out of control and I want to stop this in its tracks.

I have two daughters. My oldest Lucy is 6. She always asks when Im goin to stop and telling me how its bad for me.

I dont smoke in my vehicle when they are in it...or smoke in my home. But the other day I caught them mocking me with a cigarette butt. It made me sick and I felt so horrible.

I have my prescription of Chantix and I took my first pill this morning. I know with the help of it and this site I will be able to conquer my smoking habit!
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7 Replies


This site has been very helpful for me and I'm sure you will find it a great site as well.
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You are doing a great thing by quitting...both for yourself and your children. YOU CAN DO THIS!! YOU HAVE THE POWER OF CHOICE....USE IT WISELY!!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! Remeber, nicotine only lasts in your system for about 72 is the addiction of habit that is your curse. Sign up for the EX program and begin your steps. Join some of the discussion groups that you are interested in. Get busy and start the projects that you always wanted to do....find a passion, something that you always thought you would love to do....but never did.
Go to and read about the mental aspects that smoking causes. Search for your triggers. Keep writing on this site to maintain your focus of your goal....I am here, if you need support..
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Thanks girls...

This is something I have to do. Im on my second day of Chantix and feel the effects of not wanting to smoke. Maybe its mental at this point I dont know. Im goin to keep smoking till this Saturday(my quit date). Im so excited! My dh is excited too!

I look forward to NOT SMELLING!
Breathing easier
always tryin to find a damn lighter
getting honked off if I break my last ciggy. lol

Im just so ready....

This site is kinda hard to find your way around. lol Im trying though!!!!!!!
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ahhhhhhhhh out of the mouths of kids nagged me for years to quit. It is a very nasty habit. It stinks and makes your clothes stink. And people who don't smoke can smell it real strong. You are so smart to make the decision to quit! It is a hard decision. It's like giving up a comfort blanket. Just keep thinking about how good you'll feel when the urges are gone, you can breath without coughing and you'll smell alot better. You'll also have a keener sense of smell and taste. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I lost mine back in '93 and I still miss her. I know she'd be so proud of me if she were still alive. Take a negative habit like procrastination to be an asset in helping you quit. Whenever you feel like lighting up, put it off, procrastinate. Every time you don't give in to a craving, you get stronger and the craving gets weaker till it's gone. Good luck to you in your quest to be a non-smoker!
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You were made special and you have a special purpose in life ... as a parent you have an obligation to do the right things and make the best decisions you can for both yourself and your children.

is smoking the best decision for you and your children?

Smoking Sucks ....Cancer sucks ..... I lost my Mom to cancer at 9 with 3 other younger brother and sisters.

When you realize how special you are you will make the right decision and with a positive attitude you will be able make the changes easier than if you try to fight it at every corner.

u can do it !
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congrats on the decision to quit, it will be the best thing you have ever done, or will do for yourself,
I have to make a recommentation, quit thinking of smoking as a habit, the smoking is the result of nicotine addiction.
Although it it admirable to think of the negative effect on your children, the quit must be for yourself. Only you can quit and stay quit, no one or nothing can make you injest nicotine.
There are many things we tell ourself to justify smoking, all of them are result of junkie thinking, and the desire to avoid withdrawl from nicotine.

I'm attaching a couple files for interesting reading you will find them helpful I hope.

Regards, RJW.....Free at Last after 32+years of feeding the addiction, 2-4 packs a day, free 360 days, saving 50 days of life and not inhailing 14,413 death sticks. One day at a time.
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I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am also new hear and am wishing you the best. Good luck.
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