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Give and get support around quitting


New member-day 5 and its getting harder !

Hi everyone, just joined.  I am on day 5 and really struggling.  Has anyone ever used smoking as a reward?  I know that sounds asinine, but that is the only way I can describe it.   When I finished a difficult project, particularly for work, that was my reward.  Now, as stupid as this sounds, I feel like I have nothing to look forward to!  I have searched several sites to see if anyone else feels this way, and how they resolve it but I feel like I must be the only one.  HELP!


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2 Respuestas

I never really used smoking as a reward; probably more as a coping mechanism when dealing with stress. 

What do you enjoy other than smoking?  I've found it helpful to look at the amount of money I save by not smoking for whatever timeframe and seeing what that money could buy. 

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No it does not sounds stupid. I totall relate, it is definetly a reward for me. Understanding the whys like smokeing as a reward surely is one way to begin to quit for good. 

Furthermore i have heard it is a reward system from many other smokers as well.

The fact that you can label the feeling and or logic at one level seems very smart and insightful to me. I mean how many times do we do things mindlessly, only to delve into why we did them some time later? Its realizations like this one that educate me on my behavior with smoking, than assists me in whipping the addiction, as i have many times before.

So my friend  you are not alone and keep up the good work!

For me i have set a date on this site for like feb 23rd or 9th or such, but i am gunna do it smart this time and research it out, getting the most support and knowledge i can prior to stopping.


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