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Give and get support around quitting


New Member...

Hello everyone!!! I'm Nicole... Nice meet everyone... Technically I quit smoking on March 31st... But April 1st was the first full day of not smoking. It hasn't gotten any better...I still have major headaches...I've even cried just because I want a cigarette. I quit cold gum no patch no tapering off... I tend to be a very stubborn person so I'm trying to use that as my strength for not picking up again. but the little voice is getting louder --- just one... it'll taste so good... your headache will go away... it's not that bad if you have just one....

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6 Replies

Cold turkey is a hard way to go, been there done that. I have no will power and would be smoking in 12 hours. If you are having trouble concentrating it may be best to get some sort of aid that will help you. Why make yourself suffer anymore than you have to.
I started taking Chantix yesterday...I'll beat this thing one way or the other!
Good luck to you!! 😃
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If you have not smoked a cigarette since April 1st, then your body is completely 100% nicotine free. It would be awfully hard for me to make it that far just to put nicotine back in my body and start the cravings like from day 1. Get some gum or something to be safe, but don't use them if you don't have to. You have done so well. Remind yourself why you quit to begin with...what were your reasons. Go over that in your head. Instead of thinking about the things you miss, remind yourself of the things you don't miss. I think you are doing well. I am one day 1 of my cold turkey quit, and I can't wait to be where you are. Keep it up!
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Thanks for the encouragement... You too will succeed... 🙂 It's been hard cold turky but that's the only way i could do it. I've tried quitting before (4 times in all) and always started back again... This time i'm not gonna do it...
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I bought some chewing gum this pasted week... it's helped when i "taste" the urge... How's it going for you? Stay strong... even if you teeter...Just don't fall comletely over the edge... but if you do... crawl right back up there... 🙂 you'll do GREAT!!!!
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Thanks...same to you!!! The headaches will subside... I think it's just normal reaction to depriving ourself... but the end result is so much better... Sorry to hear about your loss...'glad' you are using that as reenforcement to encourage yourself to become smoke free...

i figure, I didn't "learn" how to smoke the first time i lit up... it took practice and skill --- God knows those smoke rings take mastery... lol So now i have to "UN"learn it...
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How are you doing? My headaches aren't as bad now... but like i said i don't think they were solely due to the absence of nicotine.
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