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Give and get support around quitting


My quit day is tomorrow (4/14/2008) wish me luck

Tomorrow is my quit day, any tips would be apprecited.
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16 Replies

Hi Michael,

You can do it. What's working for me is not having coffee at all. If you're stopping tomorrow and going to work in the morning get everything together tonight so you won't be terrorized and completely disorganized in the morning. LOL. When you get that urge just tell yourself to think or do something different for 10 minutes and that this will pass. It will. Stay away from your triggers as best as you can. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. If you don't make it tomorrow don't stop coming back. Bye for now. Cara
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my day is tomorrow too... just hang on michael, and you can be free. just do ANYTHING but smoke. good luck to us!
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Thanks for the advice Cara. I drank lots of ice water and zero cups of coffee.
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Hi Michael,

How did your day go? Today is Day 2 for me. It was rough for me. I never smoked during work, so work wasn't too bad today. The drive home and the post-dinner urges have been the worst. Lollipops and water have been helping me thru it. How about you?
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Hi Erica,

This morning I got up early and did a workout and I felt good but on drive into work I really started to get bad cravings. I'm sitting in my cube right now fighting through them, it's rough but I'll make it. I've already had 2 big glasses of ice water and that seems to be working. Good luck to both of us today.
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Best wishes on your quit. You guys are giving up cigs AND coffee? Wow! Honestly I think that's my biggest trigger too. Michael are you using any quit helps like the gum or patches or anything? you sound determined Michael. Good for you working out this a.m. Try to slowly breathe through the cravings, get up walk around the office or start on another project at work. Good luck and strong positive thoughts being sent out to you. Just think what a sense of accomplishment you will feel at the end of the day! Love and Light.......Jan/Lily
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Thanks for the encouragement Lily. I gave up coffee because it's a trigger for me. Some people need to have a smoke with there beer well I need one with my coffee. (LOL) I just went for a walk around our office building. I'm feeling better now and yes I am using the Gum. Good luck to all of us we will beat this addiction.
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Glad I could help. Good luck today and I agree we can do this. Be strong
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So have you begun your quitting process?? let me know how everything works out for you.
wish you the best
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