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Give and get support around quitting


My quit date

July 8th is my quit date, and I am not giving up this time. I am pleased, though, to have this outlet, as I am going to be miserable as the day approaches. I have attempted to quit before -- tried Zyban, Chantix, the patch, but I was not mentally ready to let go. I am not quite there yet, but I have to do something, as I am beginning to feel the effects of long term smoking. Any suggestions as I prepare for the day and how to get past the first 48 hours once I begin to attempt to live smoke free?
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5 Replies

Hi Gina! I know how you feel. I'm a little anxious over my quit date too. My biggest suggestion to you is to embrace your quit date rather than dread it. Get super exited about it! Your attitude can make or break your quit. You have to really want to quit. Make sure you put a quit kit together, and write down your plan for when craves are at thier worst. If you need anything, let me know!
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Hey, want suggestions ?? First thing I noticed is your anticipation of being miserable. The mind is a strong thing...if you keep telling yourself you're going to be that miserable, you will !!! No if's ands or but's about it !!

The addiction is also a strong thing. Don't tell yourself you're going to "attempt to live smoke free"...tell yourself you WILL !!!

You have between now and the 8th to re-program your mind (plenty of time)...get positive; know your triggers.

I'm on Day 2 - I really didn't think I was going to make it through yesterday - but I did. I came here, and posted, and joined a few more groups, just to "talk" to someone...and the people here were there for me !! Use that !!!

Today - much better than yesterday !! I told myself I wasn't going through all that nonsense again...and I'm not !!!

Good luck to you - you CAN do this....keep posting !!
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You go, girl !!! I over-obsessed the first day about smoking - - "Oh my gosh - I'm quitting - Oh crap - no cigs ...etc"
I had to be told to re-focus. It does get easier for some. I'm on Day 6 now, and am so proud of myself for making it this far. It's absolutey incredible !!!
I'm glad you're looking forward to Tuesday...that's an important part of the mind-set.

I suggest you post on your blog on your own page...your feelings, your experiences, etc. You'll be surprised at how many people check out your page and post words of support and encouragement....
Laura taught me the 5 "D's"
Distract yourself
Deep breaths
Drink water
Discuss (post here )

You can do this....I'm actually excited for you !!!
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Carlie, your suggestions are awesome, and for the record, I am actually looking forward to Tuesday. Thank you very much for the insight and support. Hope it is becoming easier for you as well, but I sense that you are well on your way. Again, thank you.

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Thank you -- my attitude is changing -- I know that I can do it.

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